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Home News Latest Italian language test for immigrants: all the candidates promoted
Italian language test for immigrants: all the candidates promoted PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Thursday, 03 February 2011 22:55

They were all promoted to the 27 candidates in the first test of the Italian immigrants that took place last February 2, the CTPs of the Taverna on a Michelangelo. They come from many different countries: Bosnia, Moldova, Albania, Morocco, Burkina Faso, Ecuador.

read in the original
The exam is for those who want a residence permit "long" and is composed of various tests: listening, reading, listening to play 90 minutes in all. As reported in today's Liberty, Feb. 3, the candidates have learned the language every day at work, on the street or at the bar, working in jobs as diverse as elderly care, drivers, laborers, painters.
But this is not the only text, the next round will be held Wednesday, 9 February CTP of Calvin in via Stratford, where 30 other immigrants will try to pass the exam.
THE LAW - The June 4, 2010 decree in the Official Gazette on June 11, imposes a mandatory test of Italian for foreigners who intend to apply for the Ce document long-term residents. This rule does not apply to children under 14 years, to the stranger with severe limitations on the capacity for language learning or arising from age or disease. They are also exempted those who have certification or certifying the knowledge of at least level A2 of the Common European Framework or those who have diplomas or professional titles.


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Last Updated on Thursday, 03 February 2011 23:19

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