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Home News Latest NASA: alert, the most powerful solar explosions in four years
NASA: alert, the most powerful solar explosions in four years PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Wednesday, 16 February 2011 16:40

NASA issued a warning of geo-magnetic storm caused by a huge mass of solar particles emitted by two recent explosions.

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One of the explosions, the largest, occurred Monday, February 14 and sent to Earth a significant mass of particles and radiation. Huge solar storm triggered affect the Earth's magnetic field. Huge cloud of charged particles moving with speed to our planet, while browsing the distance is approximately 24 hours. Solar Explosion, the strongest recorded in the last four years, astronomers have been classified as a Class X - the most powerful type of measurement scale. It is the first of its kind in the new cycle of solar activity, begun in 2011 and a maximum estimated to occur in 2013.
If they are signaled photons - which may indicate fizicenii, there is a potential irradiation. The consequences are indirect. First, people must be informed of irradiation on the concentration in the atmosphere. For that, currently, there is background radiation. If it is 4-7 times higher than normally, then it could be affected skin and vital organs.
The effects are recorded in advance, especially by the appearance of malformations, as was the case with the Chernobyl explosion. If the phenomenon is associated with visible light means that there is a high concentration of energy that can cause skin burns. If the phenomenon is accompanied by radio waves, they generate headaches, vomiting, restlessness, increased blood pressure.
Professor George Iana doctor believes that there is no reason for concern decomadată if Inspectorate for Emergency and Environmental Control has issued warnings. However, Professor Iana recommended for pregnant women and young people to hang out these days less.


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Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 February 2011 16:59

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