Atlantis found? |
Written by Natascia |
Thursday, 10 March 2011 23:50 |
Atlantis could be located in an area of Spain. The region is a swamp, which shows structures similar to those described by Plato in his writings in the year 360 BC Dr. Richard Freund, who runs Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Hartford, worked with a team of Spanish scientists, Americans and Canadians to consider a muddy swamp in Spain, which was first noticed as a possible location for Atlantis, by a German scientist using satellite photographs taken in 2003, informs AvonPatch. It all began in 2003 with a report of a German scientist, who has seen something that resembles a circular structure with a straight line attached to it on a satellite photo taken, which included the Coto de Doñana National Park, a vast area marshy, located south of Seville. "Google Earth is one of the most important archaeological tools today," said Freund, featuring a satellite image taken. Pointing to the circular structure, he said: "That does not happen naturally." In coming years, others have assumed that the structures visible on satellite images were similar to the island with three concentric circles, with one input and output described by Plato in his writings about Atlantis, in the year 360 BC Plato placed also near Atlantis' pillars of Hercules, "the place known today Straits of Gibraltar, which links the Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean. Marsh, which is now located in more than 100 miles from the Mediterranean Sea, Freund said the area could be located in an open bay, but it was clogged by a tsunami or natural disaster to another. "I became an expert in places that were clogged," said Freund. In 1995, Freund used a technology commonly used in oil and gas exploration to examine the area before excavation. Freund and his team have brought in the equipment during the driest months in August and September 2009. The mapping team found it could not occur naturally. The team was based on Plato's justification, as well as the entire city could be a cataclysm buried and covered in mud. The film explores National Geographic also other places around the world who claim to be remnants of ancient Atlantis, including Greece. In addition, mapping and advanced scientific carbon dating confirmed human activities in this place about 4,400 years ago. Freund's team mates have discovered two figures in the first and second day of their trip, they are "Astartes" or images of a Phoenician goddess known. "What happens if Atlantis was located in Spain and is the origin of civilization in the Middle East, but in Spain? I believe the Atlanteans are the parents of the Phoenicians," said Freund. |
Last Updated on Friday, 11 March 2011 00:10 |
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