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Home News Newsflash Michael Ghimpu it meets with Romanian President Traian Basescu in Iasi
Michael Ghimpu it meets with Romanian President Traian Basescu in Iasi PDF Print E-mail
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Sunday, 25 April 2010 18:21
Romanian President Traian Basescu, and Interim President of the Republic, Michael Ghimpu will have a meeting in Iasi during the day Wednesday, April 28.
The purpose of the meeting between the two heads of state will be observed in field operation Bureau Citizenship and how students have integrated and Bessarabia students in undergraduate and graduate schools in Iasi. "Visit the two heads of state will begin to Suceava, where the presidents will visit the Fortress of Stefan cel Mare and Iasi, they will visit the Territorial Office for receipt of dossiers for obtaining Romanian citizenship by persons in Moldova. The two heads of state will meet with students and students who are learning Bessarabia Iasi high schools and universities, "said County Council President Constantine Simirad, coordinator of the 2008 election of Traian Basescu to Moldavia. Chairmen's meeting with pupils and students will be held on Bessarabia April 28, at 16 o'clock in the Aula Magna of the University "Al. I. Cuza ".
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