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Home News Politica 05/09/2010 referendum in town. Mestre, polling station no. 323 and 324
05/09/2010 referendum in town. Mestre, polling station no. 323 and 324 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Andrean   
Sunday, 05 September 2010 19:45

I was and I voted in the town of Mestre, part of Veneziei. I put in the ballot box, ballot boxes on the role of transparent ballot box in polling station no. 323. It was great to see a lot of people, all came to the festival. Great was my surprise when I saw the ladies (24 Italians working in the homes of 24) in age or less, full of enthusiasm came to voting as many small group four or five people. My opinion is - "feel important." And certainly not been to vote when polling stations were only in Bologna and Rome. I am even more still have not forgotten about Moldova and managed to come to express their opinion.

586 people voted at 5:25 p.m., all the supplemental list, because the base did not exist. IDs are not checked by the central system, that could come in another polling station and also asked if I wanted a ballot. All this under the eyes of some seven observers, including one of Promo-Lex.

In another polling station no. 324, which is 2 meters, and at the same time that about 500 people had voted, I never got to vote once in May because the front door is a warning to the CEC. (And then there's the common sense)

However, I voted for my rights taken by the Communists without asking me for the good of my country MOLDOVA.

I regret only one thing that I never got home my gorgeous TRI CO S

read in the original

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Last Updated on Sunday, 05 September 2010 22:28

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