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Home News Politica Russia is arming!
Russia is arming! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Sined   
Friday, 25 February 2011 11:53

R USIA will spend 474 billion by the year 2020, the military program, which aims to build eight nuclear submarines, the purchase of 600 aircraft and 1,000 helicopters, Russian Defense Ministry said.

These amounts will be 80% for the purchase of arms, and 10% for scientific research. Russia will buy 10 air defense systems S-500, which will replace older models S-400 currently in use by the Russian army, said Deputy Defense Minister Vladimir Popovkin was quoted by RIA Novosti. This year alone, Russia will buy more than 100 helicopters, including type transport helicopters Mi-26 Halo , Mi-28 Night Hunter attack helicopters and Ka-52 Alligator . Popovkin also confirmed that Moscow Mistral will buy two ships from France, while the second will be built under license in Russia. There will also be built eight nuclear submarines by 2010 to be equipped with Bulava missiles which are more likely to be made available this year. Russia will develop new long-range missiles such as SS-18 Satan ICBM and SS-20 Saber. Amount spent in this program exceed "19,000 billion rubles (474 billion), said Vladimir Popovkin. "Strategic nuclear forces are the main priority of the program, which includes construction of eight strategic nuclear submarines equipped with intercontinental missiles Bulava . By 2020, we acquired more than 600 planes and 1,000 helicopters, a Russian government official said.


Source: karadenz-press.ro

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