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Christmas at Pegal, Reggio Emilia PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Monday, 27 December 2010 10:03

Heat holiday season, bells and carols joyful children bring joy to people's hearts and peace of mind. During these holidays, Romanian and Moldovan were united yesterday in a big dance, played as in the elderly. The event took place at the premises Pegal, organized by the orchestra rose from Moldova, which have played for nearly five hours for those attending the session. The celebration has not missed any Santa Claus with his niece, who gave presents to children sweet and their parents. Five cute girls and a boy of only 4 new year recited poems and sang Christmas carols on stage from the hall. Music and mirth turned this event into a wonderful celebration and full of soul. Towards the end of the program codru.org Association organized a lottery with prizes, books for children and adults, candy and sweets. Among those present was a domnişară praised, Neli Popescu, our team wishes him a happy birthday and success in life. "

Check back later to watch the video and photo made at this event!

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Last Updated on Monday, 27 December 2010 10:10
The new parliament of the Republic of Moldova PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Saturday, 25 December 2010 20:05

Moldova's Constitutional Court validated the mandates of deputies on Friday evening after parliamentary elections on 28 November, following the 101 deputies to meet Tuesday, December 28, in the first session. In the new Parliament, which includes four political parties, went so well known personalities in politics and business in the Republic of Moldova as well as new names and 66 of the 101 deputies were active in the last legislature.

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Most will have a fraction of the Communist Party (PCRM) - 42 deputies, compared to 48 in parliamentary elections in July 2009. Of these, 27 have worked in the last Parliament. Unlike previous elections, the PCRM has brought in more young people head the list, while the "old party", who were promoted earlier, remained in the shadows, and a good portion of them have no legal access. Communist deputies list includes several high-ranking officials from the communist government in Moldova (2001-2009). First on the list is Vladimir Voronin, the faction leader and former president of the country during 2001-2009. He is also the oldest member in the new parliament (69 years), and some analysts do not exclude that he could be elected as president of parliament, when a coalition of Communists and the Democratic Party. Another figure is known among former communist MPs premier Zinaida Greceanii (March 2008-September 2009) and candidate of the same formations in the country's president in June 2009. Greceanii has virtually no political activity and is a member of the Communist Party, and after he resigned as chief executive has gone into obscurity. Iurie Muntean, number two in the Communist Party hierarchy has become known in recent years to address because of bellicose language or political opponents and seems to be one of the pretenders to the presidency of the party after his withdrawal Voronin. Among the "heavy" in the Communist Party faction are First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Dodon, which says it could be promoted as prime minister, again, if a deal with Democrats. Also among the deputies will be former minister of ecology Violeta Ivanov, former minister of reintegration - Vasilii Sova, former director of the Information and Security Artur Reşetnicov, etc..
Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) will be the second largest faction - 32 members, compared to 18 in the 2009 elections. Of these, 20 have worked in the current parliament. Among the deputies are also familiar names, such as current Prime Filat, who could obtain the same function in case of a center-right coalition. Filat is known as a businessman, both in Moldova and Romania. In the period 1998-1999 the Department has the functions of head of state and minister of privatization, and later accused the media of illicit business. On behalf or several files were opened, including Romania, but was never convicted. In 2005 obtained the mandate of a parliamentarian with the Democratic Moldova Bloc and the end of 2007 creates LDP. On 25 September 2009 was elected as prime minister. Among the deputies found that this structure is also justice minister Alexandru Tanase, that of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Iurie Leanca Minister Vladimir Hotineanu health. Among the new names should be noted Lucinschi Cyril, son of the second President of the Republic of Moldova, Petru Lucinschi, Nicolae Juravschi National Olympic Committee president or rector of the Academy of Economic Studies, Gregory Belostecinic.
List of Democratic Party (DP) has undergone significant changes over previous elections, are included several businessmen led by Vlad Plahotniuc, a controversial businessman, who was number two on the list included with the last minute. It has been repeatedly accused of illegally promoting its business and is considered one of the richest men in Moldova. Along with the list were enrolled Plahotniuc and other business people, who according to some politicians and media in Chisinau would be in relationships of kinship or its business partners. The future of democracy missing fraction fosCommunist tulle Marian Lupu, who ran in the November-December 2009 the president of the country and who most probably will still claim the same function, there is also a high probability to be selected as president of parliament . It is also present honorary president of the faction, known politician Diacov. Nine of the 15 Democratic Party MPs have held the same position in the last parliament.
Faction of the Liberal Party (PL) had the fewest changes, as ten of the party's 12 deputies were elected in the same position after the elections of 29 July 2009. Among them are the president of parliament, Ghimpu interim president, who is also leader of the faction. Ghimpu is a politician known since the '90s, with the proclamation of independence. He was first deputy in parliament and is considered one of the leading national liberation movement of that period. Some lawmakers also includes well-known liberal writer and politician John Hadarca, first vice chairman of the Moldovan parliament, Transport Minister Anatol Salaru. New names in the list of the Liberal MPs are known political analyst Vladimir Lupan Ghimpu's adviser and expert in constitutional law Victor Popa, one of the promoters of significant changes to the constitution, which was launched in 2009 Ghimpu.
At present 19 women have entered the parliament of the total 101 members. The youngest member, Inna Supac is from the Communist Party and has for 26 years. The older - Vladimir Voronin, from the same formations, is 69 years old. The average age of MPs is 45 years. Moldovan Parliament is to meet Tuesday in the first session, it is the third legislative especially in the last 18 months, two of the following elections. And this time, "the litmus test will be choosing the country's president, requiring at least 61 votes while neither of the two possible coalitions - the Communist Party or LDP PDM-PDM-PL would not have so many votes.
Although the first meeting until a few days left, there is still an alliance, so the new parliament could convene without a majority coalition.


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Fossils have been discovered a new species of man PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Thursday, 23 December 2010 19:01

A new relative of modern humans was discovered recently after experts found that a finger of a man found in a cave in southern Siberia belongs to a distinct group of Neanderthals and modern humans. Fragment of bone with a tooth was found in a cave, and extracted DNA analysis showed that the genome did not belong to any Neanderthals and homo no sapens, reports Science Daily. Researchers have established that the bone was almost 30,000 years old and that it belongs to a young girl. Group of people in part called "Sinedovan" after the cave where the fossil was found, lived in Asia in the Pleistocene. The international team of scientists led by Svante Pääbo of the Max Planck Institute of Anthropology denosivanii shows that are related to Neanderthals and modern humans, being descended from the same ancestor. Moreover, a number of genes belonging to this group are found at the current populations of Melanesia, the researchers said.


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Total lunar eclipse on December 21, 2010 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Monday, 20 December 2010 14:14

A total lunar eclipse will be visible on Tuesday in the U.S., Western Europe and part of Asia, if weather conditions allow. Many scientists believe that eclipses of the moon earthquake rate increase due to the special alignment of the stars of heaven, which makes the attraction forces to grow and easy to destabilize Earth's crust.

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The total eclipse will be observable in the night between 20 and 21 December in the North America, Greenland and Iceland. If the sky will be devoid of clouds could be seen and a rain of meteors, informs LiveScience, who notes that it is very rare that a total lunar eclipse will coincide with the winter solstice. The first partial solar eclipse in 2011 will be held on January 4, being visible in Europe, North Africa, Middle East and Central Asia.
Winter Solstice will occur on December 22, 1:21 pm, GMT. This moment symbolizes the beginning of astronomical winter in the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere astronomical summer. December 21 Day brings the Full Moon, visible all night, at 10:13. In fact we see the full moon for three nights, on 20, 21 and 22 December, according to the Astronomical Observatory "Amiral Vasile Urseanu.


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World War III could begin in Korea PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Monday, 20 December 2010 13:49
South Korea has begun this morning, immediate military exercises near the border with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Initially, the maneuvers were scheduled for the weekend, but were canceled - officially because of bad weather. Experts warn about the serious political and military risks, social and environmental impacts of a potential major conflict between the two Koreas, Russian daily Nezavisimaya Gazeta noted, as quoted by realitatea.net.
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According to him, Moscow believes that the maneuvers with artillery attacks of South Koreans held Yeonpyeong island, could further damage already tense situation in the region. Russia, which has a border with the DPRK has nothing to fear, daily stresses. The Russian analyst Alexander Vorontsov, where the conflict will escalate, it is possible influx of refugees and an environmental catastrophe in the area. "In South Korea there are 20 nuclear plants that could be destroyed with normal weapons. This means 20 new Chernobyl incident. Moreover, and North Korea are nuclear targets," said Vorontsov, expert at the Institute of Oriental Russian Academy of Sciences.
Moreover, military action will force neighboring Korean Peninsula, including Russia, China and the U.S., to place in the overall state of readiness to fight armed forces. "From experience we know that the Iraqi campaign, despite the use of high precision weapons, were sometimes affected neighboring countries," Russian analyst warns. According to Vorontsov's the conflict between the two Koreas could be a long and uncontrollable, could escalate into a Third World War, the United States to confront China.
Meanwhile, Washington's position arouses questions, highlights Nezavisimaya Gazeta. Thus, the U.S. did not accept the summons, last Saturday, the Security Council of the United Nations (UN), as requested by Moscow. It is expected that about 20 U.S. soldiers take part in the current South Korean maneuvers. Pyongyang says that the South Koreans are using the Americans as a shield, but did not hesitate to threaten to "unpredictable attacks of self defense." In turn, the U.S. State Department said that Seoul's military exercises are some grounds in terms of ensuring security and that the South Korean side has a right to it.
In his opinion Vorontsov, maneuvers reveal illusions Seoul South Koreans, that the DPRK regime change would be possible by amplifying the pressures and isolation. "South Korea and the U.S. have agreed positions. In addition, Washington gets a lever to intensify pressure on China, because the situation gives the possibility to carry out military forces within the borders of the PRC, to hold exercises in the Yellow Sea in the immediate vicinity of the banks and the principal cities of China, "explained the expert.
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