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Solar flares can bring chaos to earth PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Sunday, 20 February 2011 14:49

Solar explosion Monday, February 14, generated a wave of care in the world. This new show of force of the Sun is seen by scholars as a warning that reminds us how frail is humanity, before the great cosmic events.

The most powerful solar storm affected us was in 1859. It destroyed the telegraph wires and caused fires in North America and Europe, informs Space. Its inhabitants had suffered due to solar explosion products this week. So far, only satellite communications and radio transmissions were affected, but the future could subject us unpleasant surprises. She showed us what he could sun. The consequences could be disastrous in the future in a world increasingly reliant on technology. Human and financial damage can be huge. Is expected in the coming years, we have also some experiences. You can not accurately determine whether we can expect an even bigger explosion, but we are not safe from it. The fact is that the Sun was awakened from a lethargy that had fallen in the cycle of 11 years. In the past months have seen an increase in solar activity.
These are eruptions of intense radiation bursts, sending waves of photons toward Earth. Their intensity is classified into three categories: Class C, Class M and Class X, the latter being the strongest. The explosion of 14 February was X2.2 class. Other types of solar storms known as coronal mass ejection. They erupt from the Sun's surface and send particles back to Earth. Both types have their origin in the Sun's outer atmosphere.
They can influence life bye Earth. Satellite communications can be interrupted for several minutes or even hours. In a period of eight minutes of their production, the effects of solar flares reach Earth. It is time that light needs to travel from Sun to Earth. Most dangerous are coronal mass ejecta strong. They come in a few days in our planet's magnetic field interferes with and cause strong geomagnetic storms on Earth. Such major events may interrupt the power supply for a period that can last several days and affect communication. NASA has sent a mission into space in 2010 to warn us about major solar events. The explosion of 14 February was accompanied by a coronal mass ejection. Compared with the now, the explosion of 1859 would have been, say specialists, 30 times more powerful, and the effects were very bad for the Earth.
If such a major explosion such as that in 1859 there would now be much more serious effects. Everything is much more developed than then and would probably take place, a chain reaction. The whole world would be engulfed in chaos. Time needed to restore order on the ground would be ten years, experts say. It might be that solar activity peak reached in 2013 or 2014, said Bob Rutledge, the U.S. specialty center. In cycle or 11 years, Sun has been pretty quiet so far, compared with the peak reached in previous cycles.



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Legal advice first to second generation PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Wednesday, 16 February 2011 21:37

On this site www.secondegenerazioni.it was created a space that anyone can refer to report cases of discrimination which occurred to himself or to family and friends.

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The service fills a need more and more apparent over time
by the second generation, and the people who surround them: to have an instrument capable of giving full answers both from the bureaucratic point of view, both from a legal standpoint, the children of foreign nationals, to be the center of attention and 'action, and not to be considered, as often happens, as a mere appendage of the cases of parents.
The statutory guidance will be offered by the lawyers of ASGI and Save the Children, which will coordinate with the Network Operations Group G2. In the activities of the legal advice is also an ongoing quest to collect children from immigration experiences, news and stories of their daily dealings with the public and private institutions.

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Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 February 2011 21:46
NASA: alert, the most powerful solar explosions in four years PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Wednesday, 16 February 2011 16:40

NASA issued a warning of geo-magnetic storm caused by a huge mass of solar particles emitted by two recent explosions.

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One of the explosions, the largest, occurred Monday, February 14 and sent to Earth a significant mass of particles and radiation. Huge solar storm triggered affect the Earth's magnetic field. Huge cloud of charged particles moving with speed to our planet, while browsing the distance is approximately 24 hours. Solar Explosion, the strongest recorded in the last four years, astronomers have been classified as a Class X - the most powerful type of measurement scale. It is the first of its kind in the new cycle of solar activity, begun in 2011 and a maximum estimated to occur in 2013.
If they are signaled photons - which may indicate fizicenii, there is a potential irradiation. The consequences are indirect. First, people must be informed of irradiation on the concentration in the atmosphere. For that, currently, there is background radiation. If it is 4-7 times higher than normally, then it could be affected skin and vital organs.
The effects are recorded in advance, especially by the appearance of malformations, as was the case with the Chernobyl explosion. If the phenomenon is associated with visible light means that there is a high concentration of energy that can cause skin burns. If the phenomenon is accompanied by radio waves, they generate headaches, vomiting, restlessness, increased blood pressure.
Professor George Iana doctor believes that there is no reason for concern decomadată if Inspectorate for Emergency and Environmental Control has issued warnings. However, Professor Iana recommended for pregnant women and young people to hang out these days less.


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Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 February 2011 16:59
Flows 2011 - what to do after submitting the application? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Monday, 14 February 2011 23:40

The operations of sending an application under the 2010 decree streams are open until six months after enactment of the decree (after 120 days can be further broken down significant portions not used), but essentially you are within the first minutes after Sledges to 8.00 for the three days of submission. There are still shares available for conversions from study to work and other types of inputs and conversions which are haunting delivery was scheduled for February 3.

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Applications are considered in the order of arrival regiatrato terminal of the Ministry. Applications, which will compose a list in turn divided proportionally by province, are examined by the Single Desk for Immigration through an investigation that involves:
- The local Labour Office that verifies the validity of contractual terms contained in the application and the legality of the position of the employer in respect of contribution;
- The local Police Department to check any irregularities in the living room of the previously recognized employee living abroad, any feedback on convictions of offenses which would militate against.
OSS may claim the right to require the employer of the additional documentation if deemed unclear or insufficient information in the application.
The clearance is through the convening of the employer at the one-stop shop responsible for the performance of the documentation relating to data entered in the application invata above.
The notice is sent to the employer by registered mail but you can follow the progress of the case through the portal opened by the flow domanda.nullaostalavoro.interno.it 2007.
At the time of the call will be shown in addition to the receipt of the application is lodged, all original documents (except the passport of the worker) used for the compilation, and in particular:
- The identity of the employer;
- Documents proving the ragioen of the organization;
- Identity documents of the legal representative;
- Number Inps enterprise;
- Sign up Inail;
- Any EU citizen's registration (the employer);
- Possible residence permit for non-EU citizen (employer);
- Documents certifying the income (Cud, 730, Model Act, business income, business budget, business turnover, any of the memories about the need of hiring the employee, any budget);
- Original of the stamp used to compile;
- Documents certifying the availability of accommodation - a certificate or receipt of the request, certifying the suitability of accommodation;

At the completion of the investigation (40 days depending on the Consolidated, even after 3 years in practice) the Single Desk for Immigration issues, or declines, the clearance for the recruitment, and warns the Italian representative of the country of residence the worker.
The permission is given to the employer that you will send it to the employee or, if required in the application, will be the one-stop shop to send the authorization to represent the country of residence of the Italian worker who will go to apply for entry visa for work.
Caution: cleared recruitment is valid six months. For any extension should apply to the Prefecture who issued it.
If the employee is required that this assumption is illegally on Italian soil
Although not required by law, is now known that most workers that has been requested are already taking, illegally, on Italian territory. This case proceedings Decree flows serves improperly from mechanism regularization.
If the employer gets no impediment to employment, the worker must returnin his country of foreign residence to collect the visa for work. You can not recruit, let alone ask permission to stay for work, staying in Italy, but we need to return home and get a visa for work.
The output from Italian territory can affect the process of "regularization", they should not be reported to the exit from the country.

After the clearance (to be sent to an alien) the alien will go within six months to collect the visa at the Italian consulate in the country of origin. As a result of visa the foreign national may enter Italy.
Within eight days from the time of the worker must go to the One-Stop of competence for an improved contract to stay (or at least make an appointment).
Within 48 hours will be the provision of recruitment and again within the maximum period of 48 hours notice shall be given the authority of public security (police or municipality) under Article 7 of the Consolidated by the employer (or third) that provides hospitality to the employee
Even in the context of the decree will be adopted in the process flows 2010 procedure introduced by the Decree of 2010 for seasonal work streams providing an obligation for the employer to accompany at the One Stop Shop, for the improvement of the residence contract, the worker.
When calling the modules will be delivered to the forwarding of the request for issuing a residence permit.
With the receipt of the application will:
- Request to be registered
- Enter into a contract of employment
- Signing a rental contract or any other contract
- Join the National Health Service
- Enter and leave the country under certain conditions

In the event that, after the clearance and entry of the employee, the employer is no longer interested in recruiting possibilities or see Sheet: - Breaking out the employer's unwillingness to take
Together with the conclusion of the residence contract will be delivered by the ATM Unci Immigration forms useful to carry out, through the postal Kit dl, the request for a residence permit for employment.


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Arab immigrants take Europe by storm PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Monday, 14 February 2011 14:34

Italy declared a state of humanitarian emergency because of the thousands of refugees who crossed the Mediterranean in the Arab revolts. Some 5,000 Tunisian last week arrived in the Italian island of Lampedusa, located 150 kilometers from the African coast.

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Calm seas and good weather encouraged the exodus. Most of the Africans arriving in small boats, fishing, which are intercepted by Italian coast guard. "The situation is very difficult," said head port yesterday morning, Antonio Moran.
In the past month, thousands of Tunisian sought refuge in Europe, as a result of the revolution in the North African country. According to authorities, only arrived in Italy last week, about 5,000 immigrants. Police estimated that more than 2,000 Africans were still on the island yesterday, 13 February, despite the fact that the authorities had sent aircraft to transport the continent. Hundreds of them sleep outdoors because of lack of accommodation. There is a shortage of drinking water.
Italian Civil Protection Department has set up a crisis cell to deal with immigrants. Italy has requested the help of the European Union, warning about the risk of a "humanitarian crisis". Italy requires immediate mobilization of a mission of FRONTEX (European Agency for border security), to patrol off the coast of Tunisia, to control migration flows.
Tunisia is led by a "unity government" and an interim president after former president, Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali , fled the country on 15 January, under pressure from street protests. The Senate authorized the interim president of Tunisia, Fouad MEBAZAA, lead by decree. UN Refugee Agency says that some immigrants seeking asylum from political movements in Tunisia, while others escape poverty. Italian Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, criticized the absence of a concerted European action, saying that the EU has "left Italy alone, as usual."


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