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Car with the crowbar, return immediately PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 04 August 2010 09:15
Will be sent back to Moldova, the three men aged between 27 and 31 years found in the possession of Moses in an instrument scrapped. The trio was arrested after midnight yesterday in the industrial area of Piacenza, where he was traveling on board a Mercedes with a license plate of Moldova. Controlled context of verification that the police are doing to address the problem of thefts summer, the nationals from Eastern Europe, all undocumented residence, will be the subject of forced deportation in these hours will be issued by Commissioner. All were fined for drunkenness, but to worsen the position of the owner and driver of the vehicle is the discovery of the crowbar held illegally, the factor by which twenty-seven was reported.
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Items covering intimate parts of the airport pasajerilor PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 03 August 2010 09:08

A Los Angeles company has addressed a crowd Scanner international aeroportele virtually stripped each customer. In this way was invented patendat "Flying pasties" to hide the private parts of those who use it.

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It is made from a special rubber 2 mm thick and can be trickled directly into underwear and top clothes sticking with adhesives. This product can also be customized with text like "I can see only empty my friend."
Flying pasties can be purchased at the price of 10 euros and 15 euros singol complete set. For more information, visit the company website: click here .

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Then came the helicopter and there is still no official PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 02 August 2010 00:24

Although born ten days ago, until now, there is still formally. A Romanian family in Italy is working to overcome bureaucratic obstacles in order to obtain a birth certificate for their daughter, who was brought into the world on board a helicopter ambulances. Alexandra Little, daughter of a Romanian family was born on 21 July, while the mother was transported by helicopter ambulance for the Italian town of Alessandria, Piemonte region located in the north. It's been ten days after birth, the family was unable to register his arrival on the world. It seems that the girl can not get a birth certificate because the legislative gap in Italy. Italian legislation provides solutions for births that occur on board commercial airplanes or helicopters. In these cases, the landing at civilian airports, the pilot has the logbook, and airport authorities in charge of registration of births and the issuance of necessary documents. However, no ambulance helicopter landing at civilian airports, so nobody can handle the registration of birth. Birth tiny Alexandra Hall was mentioned in Alessandria, but no certificate has been granted all the necessary data. The case was taken by ambulance service, hoping to find a solution.


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An asteroid could be on earth PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 01 August 2010 16:07

The asteroid called 1999 RQ36, discovered in 1999, could hit Earth, and the calculations correspond to a potential impact in 2182. If an asteroid this size hit Earth it could cause major disasters. Maria Eugenia Sansaturio researcher and scientists at the University of Valladolid, Spain, were used by two different mathematical models to calculate the risk of Earth being hit by an asteroid until 2200, informs Daily Mail. And they were shocked by this revelation saying that "the total impact probability of the asteroid (101955) 1999 RQ36 can be estimated, but what is most surprising is that over half of this opportunity (0.00054) corresponds to the year 2182." Even if the asteroid's orbit is well known thanks to over 290 different observations and radar measurements of 13, there is uncertainty about its course, because so-called Yarkovsky effect. This effect, discovered in 2003, is produced by an asteroid, which constantly absorbs energy from the sun and re-radiate this energy into space as heat. This can lead to subtle changes in flight trajectory of the asteroid.


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SME - Supporting Migrant’s Entrepreneurship PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 29 July 2010 17:54
"SME - Supporting Migrant’s Entrepreneurship: creating innovative facilities to support migrants economic initiatives in the countries of origin” co-financed by IFAD, International Fund for Agricultural Development, with beneficiaries Romanian and Moldovan citizens in Italy, this project is led by the Veneto Region (Veneto Lavoro), brings together a group of public and private local actors in Italy and Romania namely Veneto Lavoro, Banca Etica, Ethimos, Veneto Region (Brussels delegation) and Veneto Banca from Italy and the Fundaţia Dezvoltarea Popoarelor from Romania. The General Objectives of the SME project are to improve access to remittance transmission in rural areas and to develop innovative and productive rural investment channels for migrants and community-based organizations and also provides information services and consultancy to foreign nationals who choose to start a business in the country of origin.
In terms of specific objectives, the project intends:
- to highlight the entrepreneurship attitude in migrants
- to make migrant population able to efficiently use economic resources deriving from their work activity in Veneto
- to channel economic and human capital in development tools for the countries of origin
- to generate a private-public partnership in order to collect main stakeholders able to generate ideal conditions to support economic initiatives of migrants in sending countries
- to improve information and communication channel between migrants associations and the respective communities of origin

The best ideas will be selected and, in order to go forth in their implementation, Veneto Lavoro and the network of partners will provide specific support and free specialized services to facilitate the creation and the start-up of entrepreneurial activities.
The competition foresees two categories of "business ideas" Category 1 "Eureka!!!" and Category 2 "Natural-Born Entrepreneur" .The deadline for submitting ideas is 31/10/2010.
The full text of the notice of competition and participation forms will be download-able from the website of Veneto Lavoro in the “Bandi e concorsi” section or from the Return Information Desk website starting from the first week of August.
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