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Bessarabia back to Mother Russia! PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 09 September 2010 17:41

Vladimir Voronin's political entrails happy smile: fooled once again takes their fellow citizens. The old Soviet general of militia has seen his dream come true: Moldovan polenta did not explode! Lenin was softened by a propaganda which still laugh neinmormantat christian!

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Bogdan and descendants of Stephen did not go "to vote." Constitutional referendum is virtually invalidated and Democracy in Chisinau are practically void.
Moldova, the Kremlin's back pocket "Great Russians no longer love our wine, or apples grown in her old 'garden flourishing." She has fits of hysteria and cruel act when one of her former' younger sisters moved in front ' European Union and prefer them hugs and (or) NATO, "Tanase said, in an inspired editorial in Thursday's edition, 2 September, the newspaper time. Blackmail wine and fruit and doing his duty. Forces and the threat of economic blackmail "pacifying" the Russian River have won once. Russia has shown once again who governs in the area who investigated region. And even if it is not the choice of any party or doctrine (of the more representatives in Parliament), "sovietistii" from Chisinau grouped under the banner of the Communist Party phantom bitter victory for the Romans did a very sweet and for panslavism Moscow.
The Moldovan referendum was meant to "choose the waters" to decide how to elect the president of the state: either by the people (as with most European nations) by a majority vote of Parliament (elected on party lists). The low rate of participation (less than 30%) formally overturned in a referendum. Not even Dan Dungaciu, the new Moldovan citizen and presidential adviser in Chisinau, we can not say what will happen. Maybe another foreign policy Bucharest, tailored to the Earth rather than seamen would have brought the brothers over the Prut more coherent policy. We are, however, the only country in Eastern Europe that fails to design a coherent policy towards our fellow!

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Roma, the subject of debate in Parliament PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 09 September 2010 17:20

French and Italian press have put the cannon on the Roma in Romania and the Bucharest authorities in Slovakia a Gypsy family was massacred by a psychopath, the extreme right in Hungary required Roma expelled from the cities. Although the problems are not new, the European Commission launched the first program aimed at Roma until April 2010. Spending billions of euros available to the states is more efficient than hard quantifiable lucrative projects. According to The Economist, the annual cost of the failure of integration of Roma is 5.7 billion. "If humanitarian arguments are not sufficient, perhaps the economic and demographic can have an effect," wrote the British magazine dedicated to the Roma in Europe's policies. Although officials in Brussels know that Romania and Bulgaria's EU accession in 2007, the Roma community will increase by about 40% of the EU, the European Commission announced, emphatically, until 2010, writing the first political program dedicated to the minority. Communication is about economic and social integration of Roma in Europe. In this document, it states that the legislative tools at its disposal are the directive on free movement of EU citizens and decision-discrimination directive to combat discrimination, racism and xenophobia, which is a very general law, the governments in Paris and Rome are easily gaps. If no specific legislation is like, the same can be said about the EU funds. Brussels provide the Member States of the European Social Fund (75 billion euros for 2007-2013). 12 states have announced specific measures to Roma for the ESF. France is not among them. Part of the new EU member states have invested in projects aimed at Roma 27% of these funds. Romania, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Spain have earmarked 172 million euros for activities for Roma. Romania and Ungraia have allocated 50% of social funds have returned. In Ireland, the percentage was 99.5%. How effectively these funds are invested into each state authorities. It is for them to determine how the money European Commission just doing random checks. Always devoid of leaders Roma comuniăţile can not manage the funds themselves. In some Member States, few European funds are targeted to Roma. For example, the EQUAL initiative, implemented by 2008, Germany, Italy and France have invested only 1% of funding for dedicated action Roma. A European Commission document, drawn up during the current campaign in France securitare shows that Romania has earmarked over 20 times more money in Roma integration projects funded by the European Social Fund than it did in France (33 045. 853 euro to 1,476,400 euro).

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Man with no legs, no hands but happy PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 08 September 2010 15:20

How many times have you looked in the mirror imperfections seeking body and you feel miserable. How many times have you left in the hands of down in front of problems, irregularities or service you annoyed that you do not manage anything. At those times we forget the most important things, life, health, and we feel unhappy because of small things fleeting. Life is one and must be lived to the full neprivind anything. Watch the following video to understand how happy you are.

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Preliminary Report No. 1 on voting abroad / Republican Constitutional Referendum PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 06 September 2010 20:07

September 5, 2010 - "Promo-Lex Association perteneriat" heirs "shall monitor the constitutional referendum in 40 polling stations located outside the Republic of Moldova *.

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A number of irregularities had marked activity overseas polling stations monitored in this effort:
More overseas polling stations were open late and in breach of procedures. In the area of Mestre in Italy, the polling station (SV) no. 323 was open an hour and a quarter late, while the electoral precincts that met in plenary for the first time until election morning. The vote started late in Milan (SV no. 356), Madrid (SV no. 339), Santander (SV no. 370), Odessa (SV nr.350)).

In most polling stations monitored at the time of opening, some members were absent electoral. This was recorded at polling stations in Greece, several polling stations in Italy and Russia, and in rural Toulouse and Odessa.

A particular concern raised local police presence in the immediate vicinity of polling stations abroad. Thus, at the opening of 338 polling stations in Moscow, 15 policemen in uniform were located near the polling station (at the time of dissemination of this report, militiamen have fled the area around the polling station, periodically returning one or two). Similarly, in the vicinity of the polling stations in the Republic of Moldova Embassy in Athens (Greece) were six policemen. In Madrid (Spain), a police patrol stationed near polling stations. The polling station was opened in Turin near a police station in the village. In most cases the police presence was requested by representatives of electoral offices ordiniii being raised and the need to ensure security of voters and polling stations for the Madrid danger of possible terrorist acts.

In some cases, members of electoral offices demonstart incomplete knowledge of voting procedures. In Padua (Italy) two cases were recorded in the station ID. Most voters are included in supplementary lists basic list is imperfect. In some cases, polling stations did not have basic lists. This situation was found in Iraklion, Greece, and in both polling stations in Mestre, Italy.

In Russia, sets of ballots for the polling station Domodedovo were sent to the Mozhaisk and vice-versa. Another election confusion occurred with the inventory for the polling stations in Bucharest and Lisbon.

In Italy, most polling stations did not receive ballot boxes, electoral office of one of them using cardboard boxes on the role of ballot boxes. The same problem was solved in Greece by working with the Greek public authorities who have offered to vote during the polling booths and ballot boxes transparent.

* A total of 80 national observers monitored the referendum at the polling stations in Belgium (Brussels), Czech Republic (Prague), Greece (Athens, Iraklion, Thessaloniki), France (Paris, Toulouse), Germany (Berlin, Munich, Hamburg) Spain (Madrid, Santander), Portugal (Lisbon, Faro, Portimao), Romania (Bucharest - 2, Galati, Timisoara, Cluj, Iasi), Russian Federation (Moscow, Domdedovo, Mozhaisk St. Petersburg), Ukraine (Odessa) Italy (Rome - 2, Mestre -2, -2 Milan, Padua -2, -2 Bologna, Parma, Turin, Verona, Naples).

Project implemented with the support of the Program for Support of Democracy in Moldova ", a joint initiative of the European Union and Council of Europe.

Source: comunicate.md

codru.org Team congratulates and thanksoperational mode in which these two associations were able to monitor the referendum.

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Preliminary final results of the referendum PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 06 September 2010 11:36
"The will of the people is the power in the state. This will is expressed through free elections are held regularly through universal, equal, direct, secret and freely expressed. The state guarantees the free expression of the will of citizens through the protection of democratic principles and norms of electoral laws .
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(Election Code)
At the referendum held on 5 September 2010 were opened in Moldova in 1957 and 78 Voter polling polling stations abroad. Following the counting of valid votes to set the total number of voters who judged the vote is 701,486 of which 799,323 have voted option Pros and Cons 97,837. Abroad at the ballot boxes were presented and voted 19,703 voters of whom 19 278 Pro and 397 voted against. After calculating the rate of participation in the referendum preleminare constitute 29.05% of which 12.50% 87.50% Pros and Cons. The final results of voting at the constitutional referendum will be announced Wednesday, September 8, 2010. Add a comment
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