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Will the oppressed ... PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 30 October 2009 15:34

The noise of the world, moments glide, like leaves falling in autumn emotions agony and stained in red, yellow, orange ... Many who pass rush on the sidewalk, and through their lives, do not stop even one second, listen to the ritual nature of falls in an unconscious state in which, over months, will be reborn with full strength, having a full harmony inoculated .

We have created thoughts, our words and actions a giant cobweb like an octopus which has a boundary between human beings, between November and spiritual values. Are never satisfied and can only to point fingers at others without looking on ourselves. Shout ugly commit immoral and illegal acts, for a fleeting happiness, but how many souls for our iniquities we do curse. And then lose power when misfortune comes an illusion that I had, cry in despair, but we deserve punishment ...

A great sense of pity for me include the unfortunate who are looking for light, still trying to come to shore, but are limited by the strong presence that keeps the current state of affairs. An inequitable social inequality and other remains, for all we have learned not to be, really, people. Nothing that we talk mature, spiritual maturity that until we have many light-years ...

Learn to love because the only beautiful thing that you can do it together!

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Moldova`s EU accession negotiations begin PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 16 October 2009 21:16
Vlad Filat si Carl Bildt

Filat Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Sweden, Carl Bildt, held a press conference

The press conference was held after the meeting the two officials in the morning today, where they discussed details of the negotiations on the new Association Agreement between Moldova and the EU.

The Prime Minister said in the press conference that Moldova's European integration is a priority of the new Government. "In this political dialogue is of great importance, and note with satisfaction that the dialogue becomes more intense and more concrete, "said Vladimir spun.

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Piano stairs replaced the mobile stairs PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 13 October 2009 11:17

We propose an experiment made in Germany watching a very creative group of young people in their actions. They tried to convince passers-by not to use a mobile ladder for normal stairs in a very original way. Enjoy.

I hope that through such methods to even manage to convince people that physical movement is more important than most think it is.

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Intervista`s Premier Filat PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 08 October 2009 10:53
Ciao a tutti,
Farva permettetimi di Primo Ministro of Law No quest intervista che ho realizzato Filat, Insieme the Max Di Pasquale, Nomina del Presidente della all'indomani LDPM alla del della funzione di Premier Rep. Moldova.

Verso l'Europe

Poster "Verso l'Europe", Chisinau (photo di G. Coma)
Filat, dal 25 settembre scorso a capo di un governo in Moldavia coalizione ribattezzatosi di Alleanza per l'Integrazione Europea racconta in esclusiva ad Osservatorio obiettivi, is defying del suo esecutivo priorities:
A 18 Anni dalla dichiarazione di indipendenza in Moldavia and the first Volta trove per ad wealth is a liberal esecutivo her pro-communist all'opposizione Europeo. A cosa and deve questo risultato?

Fra i fattori che Hanno influenzato questo risultato menzionerei Storico, per primo, in Vogl di Libertà e dei cittadini di cambiamento maggioranza della Moldavia. In questo senso il voto del 29 luglio 2009 è stato decisivo. Questo successo che sono fermamente convinto elettorale sarebbe potuto Esser is you voto ampio Più Non Fosse Stato dal governo influenzato communist. I mean sit utilizzati pubblici sono dal Partito come strumento di propaganda di governo, il PCRM has Risør attinto ampiamente che ha per la sua campagna elettorale Public Areas Guest.

Per a grande numero di Moldovan non sono all'estero per permettere condition the states created their participation, the voto di loro. Nonostante mossi quest to Democrazia ha vinto in Moldavia. Altro che ha A Reso Fattoria di un possibile l'instaurarsi governo liberal siblings democratico E coesione 4 parts (Partito Liberal Democratico, Partito Democratico, Partito Liberal Alleanza Moldavia Nostra) Hanno dato vita che all'AIE, per l'Alleanza Integrazione l'Europe.
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Book launch in Chisinau PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 01 October 2009 21:28

Two months after launching the CD "Prayer" singer Ninel Caranfil May dărueşte Moldovan cultural heritage still a book titled "Joy of artists." Launching this work will take place in Chisinau, Friday, October 2, inside the Municipal Library "BPHasdeu at 15:00. Invited all interested and culture lovers.

Also this event will be broadcast live on our site since 14:30. The live broadcasting will do our friends, the portal team privesc.eu , whom he thanks for your help.

Ninela Caranfil si Nina Gorincioi Cadoppi

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