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The autopsy of a protest PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 08 April 2009 06:34

As a result of the right to own opinion, every citizen of the Republic of Moldova has any legal means to display their concepts, ideas on different events in society and implicitly to make convictions by public protests.

Every time there is a protest, it is conducted within the law, being allowed to raid with violent transformation which, often leads to anarchy. For, unfortunately, what happened yesterday was not a revolt or revolution, by others, but anarchy, when every man they meet the desires of its conqueror, Netin account the legal and moral rules of living together in society. This mass of young, high adrenaline, without resorting to reason and common sense, vandalized the premises of the Presidency and the Parliament of Moldova, demonstrating their own human folly. They did not have a well defined purpose in their demands, were not based on the principle laid down by Mahatma Gandhi - to protest peacefully - in reaching a compromise with state authorities.

Since the events of yesterday I found 4 important things:

  • We do not have yet a real political leader, because that is, how to explain the passivity of the opposition leaders, protesting that credibility is high, to calm the spirits. Or, why did not engage V. Filat or D. Chirtoaca to calm angry and so convince the world to continue protests peacefully, without resorting violence resulted in the destruction and stealing of public property.
  • Namely to restore and recover public property destroyed and stolen, all us taxpayers Moldovan, we give money in our pocket, while in realitatear be so facacei guilty.
  • After what happened yesterday, I think, the opposition has little ruffle image, proving that he was powerless to coordinate protest activities with thousands of people. On the other hand, Moldova has added to record a bad reputation because a state institution, the police, instead of ensuring security and public order, has incited the population through its repression of peaceful protest when. Moreover, what kind of police do we have when, after the cessation of hostilities, was not involved in protecting buildings destroyed in order to counteract stealing inventory from their premises.
  • And not least, is unacceptable silence PCRM representatives, they are representatives of state power and (Voronin, M. Lupu), when they did do anything to invite protesters to respect public order. In this case, assume tacitly, have left details of the event to be consumed, to speculate in their favor.

What happened yesterday did not result in any gain for one party, but an alarm fire on the poor education on democracy and princiipile implementing mechanisms for achieving this in the younger generation.

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Pictures from the Moldovan Consulate to Bologna, April 5, 2009 PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 07 April 2009 22:23
read in the original
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Breaking News PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 07 April 2009 12:57

Around 14:00, the Town Hall Square ungheni, Moldova, was organized by the 300-400 began unprotest citizens. The purpose of this protest is to criminalize the fraudulent parliamentary elections by the PCRM. Most of the protest are young, but older citizens to join. The scandeza: "Down with Communists", "We in Europe", "Repeated Elections", "Romania of Bessarabia remember. After taking the word of the willing on an improvised rostrum, protestarii were turned into a march on str.Nationala, carrying flags of the EU, Moldova and Romania and the scandal still communist slogans and repeat elections.

Note, that this protest is taking place without incident and without police involvement.

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E timpul pentru schimbare!!! PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 07 April 2009 10:39

Prea mult timp am aşteptat,
Să scăpăm de roşu.
Prea mult timp am îndurat
Asediul urgiei roşii.
Prea mult timp s-a scurs în ani
Ca să mai răbdăm noi totul.
Prea mult timp noi am răbdat
Clanul inimii şi focul.

Acum e timpul pentru noi,
E timpul pentru răscoală,
E timpul să spunem nu,
E timpul să unim hotare,
E timpul să unim poporu,
E timpul să strigăm în zare
„Noi nu mai vrem braşoave”

Să spunem în glas tare:
Noi vrem adevăr şi o ţară,
Vrem un trai mai bun
Şi o viaţă mai curată
Fără porcării şi minciuni gogonate.

Fie să răsară soarele din nou,
Fie viaţa mai albastra ca cerul nou,
Să fim mai trainici ca şi stejarul
Să putem înfrînge roşul cel din ţară.

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In front of fait accompli PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 07 April 2009 07:12

After counting the electoral votes of about 98% of the CEC noted that the Communist Party won 49.96% of voter preferences. In a previous article I stated any possible fraud and that the communists would be committed. This is my subjective opinion, or, Republic of Moldova is a Independent and democratic, the right to their own opinion of each citizen is guaranteed by the Constitution of our country. Moreover, I expect a condemnation from the European and international observers, irregularities during the election campaign, and their joint summary stipulating that free and fair elections were not only put us in front of an accomplished fact. Also with this idea is resigned and Dorin Chirtoaca, who gave up the deputy position in favor of office of mayor of Chisinau municipality. Even dacavor held protests, demonstrations (which unfortunately happens doarin capital), making the argument, stating that a little by little, all will resign, and life will go on. Will be the same routine, same people ... even if it appears the danger of early, because neacceptarii opposition party election polling results, it will have an adverse effect: First, the communists will blame the opposition for the huge expenditure budget State conducting these elections, creating a popular discontent, in the second turn, these early structures will affect the country's economy and budget, which ceeste disallowed under the current global crisis.

In these clipema think that perhaps something was wrong in my opinion, maybe the people vote and, of all evils, chose the lowest. E and normal to be so, when the horizon of our country's prosperity looks dark clouds and a political instability created by a fragile parliamentary coalition could threaten the very existence of the Republic of Moldova. Moreover, reliable sources, we found that in polling stations have not produced any fraud, and citizens voted as their conscience dictated. As they say, voice of the people is the voice of God. The only hope is that people made the right choice and I hope the Communist Party was not based only on meeting or program, but also to take some points celorlate party programs that can be substantiated in several ways.

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