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Robin Hood of our times PDF Print E-mail
Written by Plesco Natalia   
Tuesday, 12 January 2010 22:40

In Germany, ended a trial court banker, 62 years lady who was accused of financial fraud. Became not only unusual punishment but also prosecution.

Mrs. Erika Schmidt worked in a bank in Northern Rein-Westphalia for 15 years, going a long way from a simple notary the director of a subsidiary. Since December 2003 Ms. Schmidt began to issue credit to customers with 0\% interest. So that customers receive only privileges were filled with debt and had no opportunity to pay credit percentages, and funding for these operations take on her accounts of other wealthy clients. Media compared with Mrs. Schmidt a legendary Robin Hood who steals from the rich and gave to the poor people. Ms. Schmidt always personally met with customers, and is convinced that every person really needs help, gave him this loan without interest. But she put a condition that the failure by some clients, the debt burdens of goals: the credits must be paid without delay.

For two years, Mrs. Schmidt made 117 illegal money transactions, totaling seven million euros. It did not take a cent for herself but only for The persons who really needed this help. But not all were able to return money the bank was înnapoi and damage amounting to EUR 1.1 mlioane.

According to the Advocate Ms Robin Hood, Thomas Ohm, the banker can not simply hurdles to hungry customers.

For these activities she was accused of financial fraud, is lost office job, her home was arrested for debt, its sole surviving source remained a small pension and received 22 months in prison, and when you should leave work to turn the bank money.

Who is right in this case?

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 12 January 2010 22:48

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