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Nannies foreign Umbria statistics, esprienze PDF Print E-mail
Written by Paolo Giovannelli   
Friday, 30 April 2010 20:20
Perugia , the parties `s former hospital Monteluce . A man looking for a caregiver to assist her mother seventy-five, placing an ad on a popular local newspaper ad. After a week meets a young Rumanian, called Monica. It appears, is well received and man explains the case: "Look - he says pointing to the foreign - my mother walking alone, washes alone keeps his house in order but at times seems to have memory problems, says nonsense. Here, it is necessary that you follow the minute by minute, there `s need to sleep at home, my problem is the day." The home of Mrs. Ada is bright, well-ordered. The pay is low, but so is: it's still a job, some money back home to his family. The young carer accepts Romania. Today, years later, remembers well the `experience:" After a few months that I worked by Mrs. Ada, it was nice to see the sudden arrival of two nurses took the lady who had just time to put on his fur more beautiful, wear a scarlet lipstick, and took it. I followed as far as I could. We made a short move, remember that locked in a room with a barred window. From the child I was then paid in full for the `last Monteluce months of work, which I had not even finished. Italian friends told me that those nurses had arrived for medical treatment required. `I knew that for his son, a paramedic, was no longer willing to spend a single euro for my care to her mother, my baby was in his pay, although a fairly wealthy person. " What do you remember Mrs. Ada? "An elderly person and nice - reminiscent of the young woman - she liked to play cards with me and, every now and then offered me a glass of marsala. He kept very clean the house, spent hours talking together. I was fine with her, even though sometimes, as claimed her son was making speeches in which the reality of the past mingled with his memories of youth, making resurface people already dead. `For, in my opinion, it would be better to let her live in his house" .
read in the original

Paolo Giovannelli

Adding realistic estimates and official data on carers. Still remain for `many problems to solve

In Umbria are between 12 000 and 20 000

`According to INPS, Italy has about 700 000" carers "in good standing. Adds to those undocumented, according to consensus data of the Institute of National Security, and Caritas `universities of Bocconi University in Milan, you get to one million and 300 thousand or more. Also in Umbria estimates are approximate, no one knows the exact number of caretakers of our house.
L `dell` Umbria regional INPS provides data on foreign domestic workers, a figure that "contains" the number of attendants: "We have 12,114 domestic workers at the regional level," said the Perugia responsible for overall coordination of statistical `INPS, Stefano della Silk, "in 11,176 women" of which, 8025 in Perugia.
How could the carers, then? In Umbria, the elderly with age between 75 and 99 years, approximately 100 000. "Risky to assume that one in five is not viable? If the hypothesis were correct, the carers in Umbria, between regular and irregular, could circumvent the 20 000 or less. The carers are an important issue for Umbria and, more generally, to Italy as a whole. Says Gian Antonio Stella, a journalist and expert on immigration: "If tomorrow morning all foreign caregivers to go away and regions were forced to acquire a network of residences to accommodate all dependents left alone,` the Italian economy in danger collapse. "
The State then taxes need to go forward, even by caregivers. Bring out their target market is flooded `s Revenue Agency. But relations between the families of dependents and caregivers are not always easy. Stella tells Cerasa Caritas Perugia: "Still too many of them are not in order. Too often, then, the carers rather than to support the family, are replacing it. Problems arise when elderly patients are left in the hands of carers and nobody controls the situation. "
There are bad as bad older carers, who may demand sexual favors in exchange for money, and carers who take advantage of their position "dominant" on `old, precisely because of` lack of control by the family `s seen.

Agreement with Romania?

The Province of Perugia would like to highlight the Romanian carers irregular agreements with Bucharest to implement joint actions, test models of learning in Italy and abroad, to organize a transparent system of reception and initial system design through the Family Assistance and social integration (Phases ), together with consortia Multiply, Irecoop Umbria, New Dimension, Frontier work Iter el `Anofm - Romanian National Agency for employment actions. "With this initiative - supports the` Provincial Councillor for Social Policies, Donatella Porzi - trying to find ways to manage a complex social phenomenon that affects many families in Umbria: the flow of staff from basic care to elderly people dependents from Romania.


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Last Updated on Friday, 30 April 2010 20:27

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