Crisis slows the flow of immigration in Europe and do the opposite in Italy |
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Written by Natascia |
Monday, 19 July 2010 08:26 |
Crisis slows the migration to more developed countries. OECD survey points out that the immigrants who arrived in 2008 in the 31 member countries were 4.4 million. That means arrivals down by about 6% over the previous five years, where instead the figure had grown by an average of 11% per year. And the first 2009 data suggest a decrease even more important. According to the OECD, the decline is bound to decline the offer of employment in member countries. The migrants are actually working in the areas most affected by economic difficulties, such as construction and tourism. Furthermore, it appears that many immigrants lost their jobs, they decided to return to their country of origin. Italy, however, is experiencing a different phase and show numbers in contrast with what happens in other advanced countries. Last edited by Immigration Statistical Dossier Caritas Migrantes indicates that in 2008 foreigners in our country, counting legal immigrants but not yet recorded to the registry, there were approximately 4,330,000: 458,664 more than in 2007, with an increase of 13.4%. And the stream of arrivals, despite the economic crisis, has kept pace important throughout 2009, and today, according to data Caritas has over 5.1 million share. In addition to these illegal immigrants, estimated to be approximately 544,000, according to research conducted supports the Catholic University of Gian Carlo Blangiardo professor of demography at the University Milano-Bicocca. Immigrants, Italy and Spain topped the rankings for EU number of arrivals, "The speech has a broader scope, beyond the considerations that can be done for the past two years and the consequences of the crisis. Italy has topped the European charts for the entry of aliens. In the last five years in our country have entered an average of 360,000 immigrants per year. And the trend seems to be constant. Only Spain there is a little later in this list, with 400,000 arrivals a year. In contrast to Germany, the European country with most foreigners (about 6,500,000), each year the newcomers are ten times lower than what is happening to us, "says Luca Di Sciullo, a researcher with Caritas Migrantes. The difference lies in the kind of immigration that characterizes our country. "Italy is going through a phase of migration similar to that which other countries have had several decades ago. With us there is still a willingness to accept low-skilled labor in agriculture and industry. And even in families as carers, with seasonal contracts or very often in black - continues Di Sciullo -. And this is despite many immigrants brag higher education: 54% are university graduates or graduates. The numbers show that the Bossi-Fini law is violated by numerous arrivals of irregular and ineffective in controlling the flow. Moreover, pushing up the number of foreigners is the relative difficulty, partly due to the rigidity of the Bossi-Fini law, to obtain citizenship. In 2008, Italians are now about 57,000 foreigners, while countries like France, Germany and England are record numbers three times higher. The countries of northern Europe and are best equipped to harness the skills of migrants and facilitate their integration. An example? A non-EU citizen who intends to settle in Germany has the right to join a free course of 400 hours of German funded. In Italy there is a program of public education for foreigners and everything is left to the discretion of individuals or local authorities. More generally, integration policies are still far from having a concrete definition and implementation. " And integration has been the last report of the CNEL, which numbers in hand, shows how wrong the equation that would increase crime linked to growing immigration, but also how much remains to be confirmed make for a better integration of newcomers. Considering the period 2005 to 2008, according to the CNEL and payable by the foreign residents there is a reported 25 people each, but if you look at the total population (Italians and foreigners) there are a reported every 22 individuals. As for the potential of integrating the region more virtuous is Emilia Romagna, which according to the ratio of the CNEL, boasts a high standard, largely due to a high level of social integration, and can improve the indicator for inclusion employment. In second place Friuli-Venezia Giulia, and Lombardy, Lazio, Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige and Tuscany. In the bottom of the ranking Abruzzo, Puglia and Sardinia. On 10 June the Council of Ministers approved the Plan for integration into security "Identity and encounter", which aims to promote the integration of foreigners in our country. The main action points are training, employment, housing, access to essential services and the protection of minors. "The government plan is a programmatic document, the assumption of responsibility with which it was decided to put the center of the integration policies for immigrants. - Precise Natale Forlani, Director General of Immigration Ministry of Labour and Social Policies - Much can be done without changing the laws, using good resources and existing skills. In particular, we intend to act on the relations between supply and demand, in order to help the many skilled foreign workers who live with us to find jobs in line with their skills. Something that rarely happens today. And yet, every year many immigrants are likely to move from legality to illegality because the expiry of the contract of employment, struggling to find a new job. To address these problems we are trying to define ways to access the work more efficient, both for foreigners and Italian nationals. The solution? A grand alliance between governments, local authorities and social forces in the area, such as unions, employment agencies, associations and the wide world of volunteering. In this way, we hope to create a virtuous circle is capable of improving the employment conditions of many foreigners. The project sees the joint action of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Interior, which shall determine the allocation of resources of the European Integration and the Ministry of Education, which will deal with training,with particular attention to the Italian language and civic education. " |
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