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Immigrants, the Day of Judgement PDF Print E-mail
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Sunday, 30 May 2010 19:16
The League, with the persecution of immigrants and Roma, has put Italy at the center of a negative international attention. And the Minister Sacconi doing? invents the circular migration.
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"It was verified that if all of a sudden you stop all the immigrants, Italy - including Lombardy and Veneto - would be in crisis?" Asks the reader Dallai Francesco in his letter to The Fact of 27 May. It has been verified, is certain. It stops everything, and everyone knows it. But the reality is a detail that never take the league by his obsessions. With it's 3 or 4 head salaries for each leader (Cota, who was elected president of the Piedmont, has never resigned from Parliament, and almost all the senators and representatives of the League are also mayors, regional presidents, councilors, councilors, everything in the end, against thieving Rome) and does not distract the attentive "promoters of freedom, which must protect the votes leaguers to keep standing Berlusconi, even without the Confindustria, even without the jubilation of the crowds long gone.

Since the League, with its persecution of immigrants and Roma, has put Italy at the center of a severe and negative international attention, here comes forward Minister Sacconi, found a clever and entirely free from scruples and worries . Not on the lives and dignity of immigrants, not the needs of employers and Italian labor protection. No, the only concern Sacconi is not to upset the league. I quote from the text put on the Net by Andrea Sarubbi, young journalist and member of the Democratic Party: "With the adoption of the Minister Sacconi points allowed is revolutionizing the approach to immigration with a simple implementation decree. This is a real Cultural Revolution, which places Italy in line with the most advanced legislation in the world '(definition of authors about themselves in the tradition of self-praising Berlusconi, ed.) is the concept of circular migration that the minister has repeated for months. According to the doctrine Sacconi, in fact, an alien arrives in Italy with the aim to stay the least possible time to work and put aside enough money to secure a peaceful future in his native country (...). But about 4 million and a half regular - tells us the 'Istat - the abandonment of residence are in the order of zero point, while growing year by year the number of foreign children who are born in our hospitals. Still, that immigrants regular company, says the latest report Confartigianato Mestre, are sketched in 2009 to 600 000, despite the crisis. I mean, who is coming. (...). But, suppose by contradiction that Sacconi right. Even In this case there is a short circuit. First, we ask that temporary immigrants to be perfect citizens to finally get the 30 points required for renewal. Second, we expect that - once made this path of integration - if will return safely "at home", as if nothing had happened. (...). Our European partners are well aware that the mechanism requires adequate resources. You know Spain, where the funds for social inclusion amounted to 300 million euros. You know that Germany has earmarked 700 million. In Italy, the first budget of this government has done away with even the funds for computers in schools of Italian parishes. After the tale of immigration circular prepare ourselves to listen to that integration at no cost. "

"Help them in their home" crying the League. And Padania get to dress up as a missionary and newspaper publishing on the last page pictures of African villages "adopted" by Italy, provided the young people do not move there. Strange, because Jamie Drummond, executive director of One, the organization of aid to Africa by Bono and Bob Geldof, declares as follows (London, May 25): "We can not allow the Italian leaders to continue to infect the G7 still long. Should be thrown out. The liability of the Italian government obscures the commendable commitment and American English. " But this is just one of our government scams, promises, boasts, denied. The other is the payment of social security contributions of immigrants. Foreign nationals are required to pay to earn 30 points. But immigrants have become "round" go away and leave everything. But Bono and Geldolf are not the only ones to have noticed the Italian twice inhumane behavior (but also marked by embarrassing falsehoods disguised as international commitments, the signing of disgraceful treaties, laws or decrees that are a shell game as to Sacconi require serious changes but obviate the need for the Parliament).

There Amnesty International that accused Italy for the dead at sea and rejection prior to the asylum without any form of scrutiny or verification. In his report just published, there is the serious matter of the Turkish vessel Pinar (aprile2009): "The migrants were left to their fate for four days without food or water, camped on the deck." An episode from 1939, which will remaint the contemporary history to illustrate the meaning and moral level of Italy. It is the only government in Europe to be dominated by a xenophobic party, with a Minister of the Interior "Po". Amnesty International writes: "Since May 2009, Italian authorities moved to Libya, migrants and asylum seekers intercepted at sea on the basis of the 'friendship, partnership and cooperation', concluded in 2008 between Italy and Libya ; and maritime patrol Libyan naval vessels provided by Italy. Libya is not part of the 1951 Refugee Convention and has no asylum procedure. According to data from the Italian government, 834 people intercepted at sea were taken to Libya. Among them were dozens of women, even pregnant, and many children. "

As you recall, only the radical deputies and some members of the Democratic Party voted against the treaty with Libya that provides for delivery to the concentration camps in that country of immigrants intercepted at sea while trying to come to Italy. Amnesty International says in its report: "In January, the gruppodilavorodelleNazioniUnite on Arbitrary Detention in Italy reported the systematic practice of holding asylum seekers and migrants, including minors, without considering each case whether detention is necessary and whether it has legal basis." The countryside is this: a framework of new unconstitutional laws that deny international treaties that commit Italy in all fields of democratic civilization, inspired agreements unrelated to the severe code of conduct in other European countries, the introduction the "crime of illegal immigration" historically alien to the foundations of law. All this creates a bureaucratic authoritarian behavior and extra-legal, that makes Italy more and more on the margins of history, culture and tradition. Meanwhile the scandal widens, but also wonder at the systematic destruction of the camps being conducted at night, with military personnel, terrorizing women and children, destroying homes with poor driving bulldozers and hundreds of people not prepared to places and predetermined, but the run through the streets and fields of the extreme suburbs!

Why all the recommendations to Italy by various supranational bodies have had modest success? Representatives of government in most cases have settled with discomfort or attempted to discredit the organizations that had advanced, despite the countless incidents of racism that have followed in Italy. " It is the testimony of Laura Boldrini, spokeswoman Italian High Commissioner for Refugees, in his book All Back (Rizzoli, 2010). The Boldrini looks around, in Italy the Northern League, which has become its territory of an international civil servant with the task of safeguarding the rights and lives, and has this to say at the end: "One of our goals is to combat xenophobia and racism. My work has become a complicated, sometimes, in some contexts, very difficult "The reaction, called" violent "by the international press, Foreign Minister Frattini, who was in New York when journalists have informed Amnesty International, demonstrates the degree to which the country has fallen Italy.

From the daily act of May 30
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Last Updated on Sunday, 30 May 2010 19:21

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