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Home News Latest "Wine war" between Russia and Moldova
"Wine war" between Russia and Moldova PDF Print E-mail
Written by Darii Sined   
Sunday, 18 July 2010 16:44
"Enough with the wine of Moldova. It sucks, and then, more importantly, the Moldovans do not wish us well. " This is the way, if not the letter, of the press with the government in Moscow has announced the forthcoming ban on imports of wine from Moldova, citing problems with product quality and fully understand that leaving the political difficulties between the two countries, after came to power in Chisinau nationalist pro-Romanians, are not at all extraneous to the decision.
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The Russians, you know, like vodka, or alternatively, the beer. Of both the country and also has a vast production of quality wine instead it consumes all things little and that little is mostly imported because local production is low both in quantity and quality. On the other hand, the regulation of wine consumption in Russia has become in recent years a powerful weapon of foreign policy, as well as control on all food imports. Georgia, before ending up in a just war waged against Moscow in August 2008, had already experienced the block "political" in Russian imports of wine and mineral water, two important items of the Georgian foreign trade, including the great northern neighbor has always been a key buyer. On an economy as small and poor to Tbilisi, the non-exportation of the precious and expensive quality wines with exotic names (Mukuzani, Kindzmarauli, Khvanchkara, Saperavi) and the famous mineral water Borzhomi ipergassata, to market their richer and more Traditional meant a very severe blow. The Georgians had to get producers looking for alternative markets (but not very receptive) in Western Europe and the U.S. - while other wine countries have gladly placed their bottles on the shelves of Russian stores. But the United States, with their much larger size, have suffered the same problem with regular and prolonged blockade imposed by Russian authorities on imports of U.S. poultry, to coincide with critical stages of bilateral political relations.

And now Moldova. The Rospotrebnadzor, the Russian government agency for consumer protection, announced that within two weeks could impose total ban on imports of Moldovan wine. Its president, Gennady Onishchenko, said that almost half of the wine that comes from Russia in Moldova is of poor quality, substandard eligible. "Stuff that is good to paint the fences of the vineyards," he says, and that also contains hazardous substances to the health of drinkers. You can not say I've completely wrong, in fact it is true that in popular Russian Moldavian wine shops at low prices is usually bad, and is often adulterated, neither can be said that the complaints about the quality of Moldovan wines to be an economic New last minute, as the fame of these products among consumers Moscow, it was already bad enough even in Soviet times. It is no coincidence that Moldova is not able to export to Western European countries (with some exceptions: there is also a manufacturer of high quality - and price - that reaches the most refined tables) and that the Russian market, especially in segment and its poorest people, is still the main one, accounting for more than 20 percent of production and thereby contributing to nearly a tenth of the trade balance of Moldova, which is based a lot on wine.

On the other hand, can not be a case that threatened to block the import is only now, after the political and institutional crisis that has removed from power in the Communist Party of Moldova (vaguely pro-Russian) President Vladimir Voronin, replacing them with a coalition of liberal and nationalist parties and the pro-nationalist Romania Mihai Ghimpu. The latter immediately sought to break with Moscow coming up to proclaim June 28 "Day of the Soviet occupation (it was" Liberation Day "Wink and refusing to Moscow to attend celebrations for the victory against the Nazis, the Supreme Court then annulled his decree, not shared even by the parties in his Maymajority, but the rift was already done. And it was easy to foresee that it would have been paid by the growers.

Source: ilmanifesto.it

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Last Updated on Sunday, 18 July 2010 16:48

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