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Home News Latest New glacial epoch in Europe
New glacial epoch in Europe PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Monday, 13 September 2010 20:18
Polish experts estimated that in 2010-2011, Europe would be facing the most severe winter in the last millennium, and a prime reason would be to the North Atlantic current speed Gulfstream, which gradually warms not the old continent.
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Thus, cooling of Europe would be in direct connection with the reduction of ocean current velocity twice Gulfstream in previous years, scientists believe, quoted by MigNews portal.
Currently, he is unable to compensate for cold weather brought cold Arctic air masses. According to an expert from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management in Poland, these changes are already visible in Norway and some other Scandinavian countries.
New Ice Age in Europe
"If it disappears entirely Gulfstream, Europe will face an ice age, and in Scandinavia is expected formation of a large glacier" - he said.
Some observers estimate that one of the causes of the slowdown would Gulfstreamului damage occurred on 22 April at Deepwater Horizon oil platform, the company BP, the Gulf of Mexico. The emergency shaft were discharged into the ocean between 600,000 and 760,000 tonnes of crude during the period between the end of April and late July.
However, some international experts believe it is premature to talk of a slowdown Gulfstreamului. Previously, NASA oceanographer Josh Willis has shown that in the past 18 years ocean currents increased in intensity and became even warmer. For nearly two decades, Josh Willis has collected data for research vessels, as well as recordings made by satellites that track the major surfaces and oceans.
The first information about Gulfstream slowdown occurred in 2005 when British oceanographer Harry Bryden, of the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton (UK) in the journal Nature published an article on the slow circulation of water masses by 30% compared with Gulfstream 1957.
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