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Home News Latest Click on the third day, February 3, 2011
Click on the third day, February 3, 2011 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Wednesday, 02 February 2011 22:36

Thursday, February 3, 2011, the last term, for the conversion of residence permits for non-seasonal employment of 11 thousand permits for study, internships, seasonal work and other types, as well as non-admission of 4 thousand who have completed programs training in the country of origin.

read in the original
The conversion to residence permits for non-seasonal work of 11,500 shares, distributed as follows:

* 3000 permits for study permits for employment;
* 3000 permits for study permits for employment;
* 4000 permits for work permits for seasonal employment;
* 1000 EC residence permit issued for long-term residents from other EU countries into permits for employment;
500 EC residence permit issued for long-term residents from other EU countries in permits for self-employment;
The decree also provides for a quota of 4,000 tickets to non-EU foreign nationals living abroad who have completed training programs and education in the country of origin under Article. 23 of Legislative Decree 25 July 1998, No 286.
In the case of depletion of that share, are allowed more input on the basis of actual requirements of workers trained within the meaning of Article 23 and Article 34 of DPR 31 August 1999, No 394.
Finally, are allowed in Italy, for reasons of non-seasonal employment and self-employment, within a quota of 500 units, workers of Italian origin by at least one parent to the third degree in the direct line of descent, residing in Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela and Brazil, apply to be included in a list containing the professional qualifications of the workers themselves, set up at the Italian diplomatic or consular representatives in Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela and Brazil.
Next will be the Ministry of Labour to give the territorial units at the provincial level, then the opinion of jurisdiction, the Provincial Labour Office and the police headquarters. Based on these evaluations the Single Desk for Immigration will issue the permit to the employer and the foreign worker, for its part, should appear at the Italian embassy or consulate of your country and apply for a visa to enter Italy, and underwrite one-stop shop with the employer the residence contract and then withdraw the residence permit at the police station.


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