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Home News Latest Arab immigrants take Europe by storm
Arab immigrants take Europe by storm PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Monday, 14 February 2011 14:34

Italy declared a state of humanitarian emergency because of the thousands of refugees who crossed the Mediterranean in the Arab revolts. Some 5,000 Tunisian last week arrived in the Italian island of Lampedusa, located 150 kilometers from the African coast.

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Calm seas and good weather encouraged the exodus. Most of the Africans arriving in small boats, fishing, which are intercepted by Italian coast guard. "The situation is very difficult," said head port yesterday morning, Antonio Moran.
In the past month, thousands of Tunisian sought refuge in Europe, as a result of the revolution in the North African country. According to authorities, only arrived in Italy last week, about 5,000 immigrants. Police estimated that more than 2,000 Africans were still on the island yesterday, 13 February, despite the fact that the authorities had sent aircraft to transport the continent. Hundreds of them sleep outdoors because of lack of accommodation. There is a shortage of drinking water.
Italian Civil Protection Department has set up a crisis cell to deal with immigrants. Italy has requested the help of the European Union, warning about the risk of a "humanitarian crisis". Italy requires immediate mobilization of a mission of FRONTEX (European Agency for border security), to patrol off the coast of Tunisia, to control migration flows.
Tunisia is led by a "unity government" and an interim president after former president, Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali , fled the country on 15 January, under pressure from street protests. The Senate authorized the interim president of Tunisia, Fouad MEBAZAA, lead by decree. UN Refugee Agency says that some immigrants seeking asylum from political movements in Tunisia, while others escape poverty. Italian Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, criticized the absence of a concerted European action, saying that the EU has "left Italy alone, as usual."


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