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A new Decree Flussi in Italy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Plesco Natalia   
Thursday, 18 March 2010 15:10
       150 thousand domestic workers and 80 thousand of the season. Franco Pitt (Caritas), "a selection of common sense.
Latest bureaucracy between the Ministry of Interior and Labor, but making a decree stream already in preparation. In accordance with predictions arising today on "Il Sole 24 Ore" new decree will be a continuation of that of 2008. Therefore: 105 thousand domestic workers (colf and badantă) and 45 thousand workers for Tarle "reserved", or rather the countries which have signed or are in process to sign specific cooperation agreements with Italy as regards employment emigrated from the country data. These are added and 80 thousand seasonal workers under contract to the CIA and Coldiretti have requested more from the government.
So will a new "click day." Practices, the newspaper notes Confindustria, will be superimposed on what percent still in the process of sanatoria 2009 penru badante, where today only 26% of practices have reached the very end. A physiological problem, solved - Franco says Pitt, coordinator of Statistics Dossier Caritas / Migrantes - with more investment in resources and institutions should assess applications and simplify procedures, and 6 thousand entrepreneurs seek Assolombarda meeting, the Minister of Interior, Roberto Maroni.
"Global Assessment of feed decree future is positive. This is a selection of good sense, which certifies a slow but effective normalization phenomenon" said Pitt, adding "especially at a time like this, pre-election, in where, typically, when it comes to immigration tone of discussion becomes more diverse. Some people already are in Italy, and therefore could be reintroduced experimental procedure to find the work of those who already are in Italy. This is because, as is evident from the former decree stream, nine out of ten people who înnaintează practices already in Italy and are forced either formally or in essence, to return to their country to respect the prerogatives of flows order.
Istat also said several times that between 2005 and 2020, Italy will suffer a decline of 4.5 million people with age between 18 and 44 years. A decline which raises many issues of jobs and an adequate migration policy could compensate.
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Last Updated on Sunday, 25 April 2010 15:00
Interim Consul speech Bologna - Cornelius Bobeică PDF Print E-mail
Written by Darii Sined   
Saturday, 13 March 2010 16:21
Venezia, March 6, 2010 - meeting with experts of the NEA and SPES. Address by Interim Consul General Consulate in Bologna, Corneliu Bobeica.
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While November was illegal and PDF Print E-mail
Written by Automat   
Thursday, 11 March 2010 12:43
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This movie is as dramatic is current and effective today. A history spent in the postwar years, when the Italians were among the absolute protagonists of immigration in Europe, America and Australia. Emigration of many immigrants. As Rai says this movie has the rights for a month or so. In our opinion, would be circulated shortly. Even if you were to draw an audience limited (but they say that, if properly advertised), hundreds of thousands of Italians became aware of a fact often forgotten or discarded. Still unknown, we are sure, a young and very young.
The film chronicles the desperate poverty of a group of former zolfatari Favara (Caltanissetta), their painful decision to emigrate, the journey from illegal immigrants in France, threatening the tragedy of the French-Italian border, Alps film screening should count be coupled to the data and proposed issues for a very recent book, documentatissimo in its 435 pages, just released by Einaudi. Bearing the same title the film in question, the way of hope for Sandro Rinauro dedicated Italian immigration. It contains some tables speak for themselves.
From 1946 to 1961 (when Italy experienced its first economic boom) Italian expatriates legally different continents are almost 4 million and a half, 2,735,170 in Europe, including the European Community, England, Switzerland (meta important, then). 1423770, but still crossed the ocean, of which at least 890,000 direct in South America, where these immigrants "legal"? It is known that in May the League fundamentalists deny that Venetians migrated Instead, they are often leaving Italy, above all, more than 611,000 (more than 276,000 Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Veneto and Trentino between 62,000 and High Adige region), followed by Campania (496,000), in Sicily and Calabria (both about 420,000 expatriates), in Apulia, and so on. But still, in this mass of immigrants, 292,000 and 222,000 well Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna.
Expatriation continue - and this is less well known - even after 1961. Between now and 1976 leaving about 3,000,000 Italians. To 80 percent in Europe. About half live in Switzerland. While 400,000 U.S. to take the path. But now migrants are mostly Southerners, 80 percent and more. Predominantly Puglia and Campania (respectively 471,000 and 441,000), followed by Sicily and Calabria even below. However, there are still among our migrants, 245,000 of the Veneto, Lombardy and Veneto between 184,000 and 111,000 Friuli-Giuliani. However, in this second and final period of great Italian exodus abroad, expatriates are almost fully compensated by returns.
Now go to the core is true: how much has been and where he directed the Italian illegal migration? Rinauro's book, thorough and complete data, focused mainly on illegal departures, seasonal initially to neighboring France (where macaroni "was even more welcomed, however, in Algeria). In November, stressed the right of illegal immigrants arriving by sea and then were less than 30,000 units per year. But the propaganda was designed to create drum insecurity, fear, denial of immigration, especially of African origin. Well, Sandro Rinauro card is worth noting that Italian workers established their entry in France have been more. "The Quai d'Orsay, 1946 - 1950," notes the author, "joined in France (and are already in full after the Second World War, not the century's record) 143,416 Italian workers and those not less than 40-50 percent, or 58,000 to 72,000 people have entered illegally and then have been resolved. Not to mention family members, ATAt Italian and Spanish or Portuguese. And between 1960 and 1970 slightly less than 100,000 Italian workers once they are settled in France. Stowaways they also occur. But who remembers that in Italy, that, unfortunately, seems to tend more closures and racism? Ricordiamoglielo books, films and debates. Heaven, if you're there, knock once. Add a comment
NEA meeting with experts and SPES PDF Print E-mail
Written by Plesco Natalia   
Saturday, 06 March 2010 23:18
View pictures from this event.

Today, six of March, at Hotel Laguna Palace, Venice, held a meeting between the associations of Moldovans in Italy, especially the Veneto region, with experts from the National Agency for Employment (NAE) in Moldova. This meeting was requested and the Association which was represented by three members: Daria Sined Pleşcoi Natalia and Andrei Popescu. During the meeting has been called into question''Strengthening Project Duration Moldova management capacity of the labor market and the return of migrants''developed by (SPES), Swedish Agency for Employment Employment in colaborae other 12 EU countries including and Italy.

During the meeting, Ms Raisa Dogaru announced that on March 26 in Moldova will open a call center through which moldveni citizens throughout the territory of the republic can call free from any fixed number for solicitaţii work stations and the calls made outside the normal price will be no surcharge. In future, however, planning the organization of a system that will allow free and străinătate.Pe telefonarea May 8 will be held in Padua a job fair, which will discuss the proposals for post-employment and employability of Moldovan citizens Italian affiliates that are on our Republic. Thanks to investments made by EU and member countries (SPES), coordinators of Project Duration plans to decrease unemployment rate in the country, which in 2009 was about 5.7% and hopes that by supporting Moldovans emigrated will return back to country having the opportunity to receive a decent wage. Those interested in the project and seeking appropriate opportunities for work, enter the following addresses: www.anofm.md and www.jobmarket.gov.md

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Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 March 2010 23:57
Stranierilor protest and strike across Italy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Olga   
Monday, 01 March 2010 10:39
A number of organizations, including Terres des Hommes, Amnesty International, Cobas, National Association of former deportees in Nazi camps - Section of Milan, Legambiente, Student Union, AMREF, Emergency and Legambiente, some political parties (DP, Siistra and freedom, PRC ) and trade unions CGIL, CISL and UIL have stranierilor strike said today. After choosing yellow culare the demonstration, organizers gathered in about sixty places in Italy "to support the importance of maintaining socio-economic immigration country." Committee "One in March 2010 - one day without us" has put the plan a number of initiatives in various cities involved: the Varese will be offered a "lunch ethnic" penitentiary police officials in Trieste will delete racist inscriptions on the walls and fences, Bologna will open a photographic exhibition "new face of Italian "Milan, the markets will be taught in language lessons. The initiative came when a group on Facebook had similă inspiration from a form of protest which took place in France, to protect the rights of the "sans papier", although the Italian situation concerning the legality of contracts of employment and security for migrants, is profoundly different and much worse than the Alps beyond. At 18.30, the Italian markets involved in the protests, will be "issued" yellow balloons. Add a comment
Last Updated on Monday, 01 March 2010 12:29
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