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Padova - an immigrant in a coma and is receiving a residence permit required to pay 14,000 euros PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 21 January 2011 15:11

PADOVA. Hana and Nicholas arrived in Padua in Moldova, which gained just 150 € per month in 2004 to make "Italian dream." They lived together in Via Pietro Bembo, the district Crocifisso. She worked as a senior officer familiar, it without a residence permit, work as an employee of a company. They were always together, until their dream was broken on 16 October 2007.

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Nicholas, after he finished work and was hit by a car driven by a citizen of Padua, while atraversa street bike. Following the incident, especially with trauma Nicholas Crane and multiple body injuries. From that day, three years and three months, Nicholas is in irreversible coma and is in a vegetative state. Hana visits him almost every day. He does not speak, but communicates with his eyes. It begins a long battle for justice. Change three lawyers to succeed in bringing the guilty to court charges of serious injuries, but not until today it was not presented at trial. With regard to the compensation for damage suffered, it has not yet received any money. The more time goes by so their situation becomes more complicated. A few months ago, when Nicholas finally manages to get a residence permit, which is admitted to the hospital, sent a letter Hane is announced, it has to pay 14,000 euros for the first four months of treatment. From her monthly salary, Hana barely able to pay treatment and lawyer.
"I left but to appeal to people with big heart, and particularly human rights lawyers and experts and health, to help me solve my huge problems" - Tell desperate young. "Where do I go now to take the 14,000 euros that ASL is asking me to pay? At this point, the risk of falling into depression without the possibility recuparare"


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The wave of price increases could feed back the nostalgia of the company after the communist past PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 20 January 2011 22:32

Republic of Moldova is facing an unprecedented wave of price rises, which could feed back the nostalgia of the company after the communist past. The danger is magnified by the fact that the Alliance government sought to hide the Annexes to the Agreement establishing the coalition, "writes the German press.

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According to Deutsche Welle, the Moldovan citizens are beginning to complain that AEI two leaders have made public the agreement establishing the IEA and contains principles and values that will guide the alliance, but not sharing in the areas of responsibilities.
With this, society is affected by the unprecedented increase in prices of products and services. "The 2001 parliamentary elections in Moldova, won by the Communists in Moldova showed that feeding difficulties communist nostalgia", is mentioned in the article.
At the beginning of the year rose by 13% natural gas, four days ago Big Oil fuels more expensive and they want two days in May when prices increase. Rising costs of petrol and diesel and gas tariff increase will cause a rise in the chain of all products. In Chisinau, the price of thermal energy for heating an apartment with two rooms exceeds 100 euros, the conditions under which a retiree's monthly income does not cover 70% of this amount.
Shortly buckwheat will be expensive, since 2010 Moldova import this product from China with 950 dollars / ton, and in 2011 contracted price is 1400 dollars per ton. Pasta already got more expensive. To cope, the Government stopped the export of sugar, potatoes and onions - these products being diverted to fill the internal market.
The wave of price increases, political conspiracies and suspicions of corruption fueled by visible facts such as, for example, repairs to the Municipal Prosecutor businessmen-friends of the institution's new chief, who is the brother of one of the leaders of the ruling alliance, could have consequences Moldovan democracy dramatic event of any electoral exercise.


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The greatest mysteries of the Universe PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 19 January 2011 14:37

The universe is a strange place. There are no dark matter, antimatter and cannibal galaxies. Besides them, invisible black holes complete the picture there are still mysteries for scientists.

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Matter and antimatter
Antimatter is a mystery that persists for a long time. Particles that compose matter are opposite. An electron, for example, is negatively charged and the antimatter opposite, positron, is positively charged. When you come into contact, they annihilate each other. Some future projects include spacecraft antimatter engines. Information is provided by Space.
Mini-black holes
According to a new theory of gravitation, the solar system would be scattered thousands of black holes tiny, each the size of an atomic nucleus. They would have been the primordial Big Bang event and affect space-time differently because of their association with a fifth dimension.
Dark matter

Scientists believe that it makes up a large part of matter in the universe. However, it can not be seen or detected with current technology. In what can not be detected black holes would come and invisible. Some scientists question whether dark matter really exists.
Up through the 1990s, the only known planets in the universe were those in the solar system. Since then, astronomers have identified no less than 500 exoplanets, that is, planets outside the solar system. Now we are looking for an Earth-like planets, although distance from it would make it practically inaccessible, even if they exist.
Galactic cannibals
As life forms on Earth, galaxies can "eat" each other and can evolve over time. Currently, one of our neighbor galaxy, Andromeda, is "feeding" a natural satellite currently in it. The Andromeda there are remnants of such a past, they being found in the form of groups of stars. More than three billion years the Milky Way, our galaxy, and Andomeda will face.


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Way to fill out the form for submitting questions PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 17 January 2011 11:15

Today you can fill out the form to send the application electronically recruitment. In the early hours of the opening section on questions about the website www. interno.it , perhaps because of the huge amount of hits, perhaps because of certain errors in the software prepared for the compilation of the questions had a bug which prevented the access to the relevant page. Now it seems that everything is solved and the access is free to compile.

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The on-line form to be filled on the website of the Ministry, does not work PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 17 January 2011 09:52

Perhaps the huge amount of hits, maybe some errors in the software prepared for the compilation of applications for order flow, but little more than an hour and a half away from the opening section on job applications there is no shortage problems reported by customers who were already ready to fill the forms online.

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The main problem is that concerning the expiry of the session. When filling out the fields, it is often the case that the user logs off the system until then disconnected. For the first entry even more difficult is not the case: the system responds: "unauthorized access".
And yet "could not be completed.
The error returned was' was reported to the system administrators.
The proper functioning of the system will 'quickly restored.
Please try again 'later. "
Difficulties for courts to fill, there is reported, when the fields are driven to be included (for example the inclusion of the city after reporting the province) do not allow any choice.
Expect in the coming hours the resolution of these issues, which do no good to provide for the delicate procedure of recruitment through the flow decree.


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