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Moldova, Florida of Italy PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 15 May 2010 11:01


The last resort of the elders of the Bel Paese , narrow and slender from pensions increasingly high cost of living, this country could become the center of Europe and outside the EU. The inquiry highlights a beautiful " Gazzettino . "Life here is cheap and there are beautiful girls," joked Enzo (code name, the real one did not want him to say), Treviso, less than 70 years but more than 60 "With my pension of one thousand euro I enjoy it, and even buy a house. " After years of migration - are about one million Moldovan expatriates abroad to seek his fortune, about 150 thousand in Italy, more or less than fifty thousand in Veneto - could reverse the flow and the elderly Italian and Venetian start their carers in the land of 'origin once USSR. "The benefits are there for both. She could look after the old man and children who had to leave to go to work in Italy - said the Italian ambassador in the capital Chisinau, Stefano De Leo -. And the old man would live well with his pension because the cost of living here is much lower than in Italy and, especially, the pace is more natural, still tied to the seasons. For now we are aware of some twenty cases, but may even increase in coming years, "says De Leo.

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Outskirts of common style course, Chisinau is not exactly bucolic suburbs by residential buildings are always the same-style communist, electric trams shabby, freezing cold in winter. "But here there is no traffic and the city is absolutely safe, anyone can see this walking down the street at night, 'says Don Cesare Lodeserto, a priest from the border with a couple of sentences behind in Italy, who for 10 years planting is established in Moldova and soup kitchens for abandoned children, also founded a center in Tiraspol (capital of the breakaway Republic of Transnistria), arriving to manage the visa office of the embassy. They want to be the Florida of Europe, Moldova? "This could become an island happy to spend his last years in a more connected to nature - the ambassador confirmed that he worked in Shkoder (Albania) and Baghdad (Iraq) - and then there is the security to continue living with the caregiver that you had in Italy. Just show the autosuffienza. Thousand € per month enough? "Here the average salary is 200 per month," he says. "A foreign national may stay 90 days for tourism. The residence permit is obtained for marriage, study, employment, volunteering, business ... "lists Don Cesare, the first Italian to get the passport of Moldova, one of the few foreigners who can go in Transnistria. "The government is studying other forms, such as the residence of choice: when a pensioner has income that demonstrates its self-sufficiency can stay." But why so much desire to emigrate here? Winter is hard. And hospitals are not the best. "It's true. People die first, the life expectancy is 60 years old - confirming Don Caesar - but our old people are increasing. The climate of Moldova like it. "

Circumvent the bureaucracy to circumvent bureaucratic barriers then there's the old system. "Now are contracted five marriages between women from a week here and Italians, the boundaries are extended with affection," says Don Caesar. Usually, however, the gentleman is a bit 'older lady. "Love has no age, love has no boundaries, love stories that often seem out of place - says the owner of the Regina Pacis Foundation, which calls everyone to Mass every Saturday. Few Sgarro - we hope that this is a path, a path is like that of many carers who are returning, taking the old Italian who attended. People who decided to come hereto conclude its existence. Not many will increase. " Writes the Gazzettino.


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The premier German: Board of reform is going in right direction PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 13 May 2010 06:37
On 12 May, the German Prime Minister Angela Merkel said that the board of the reform on the strengthening of the European Economic issued by the European Commission is "going in the right direction."

During the press conference together with Prime Minister of Moldavia, Vlad Filat, Merkel said that the board of the reform on the strengthening of the European Economic issued by the European Commission is one of effective measures for raising the transparency of the balance sheet of different countries, with the premise of not violate state sovereignty.


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Moldovans in Italy: for documents just the apostille PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 12 May 2010 22:17

The Interior Ministry reminds the Municipalities. No additional legalized in the embassy.

Rome - May 10, 2010 - The Moldovan documents with the 'apostille are fine as they are, do not need legalization by the Italian Embassy.

I remember the interior ministry, came after reports from our embassy in Chisinau. It appears that some local authorities do not accept the official documents legalized by the Moldovans' apostille, forcing the citizens of Moldova to deal with queues and unnecessary costs.

L 'apostille is a special stamp that the authorities of the member countries to bring the Hague Convention on the documents because they are recognized by other member countries, without the need to legalize through the embassies. Moldova and Italy both have signed the Convention.

"Therefore, the Moldovan official documents authenticated by the procedure dell'apostille, which is affixed by the offices of the Ministry of Justice, the competent authorities in Moldova, are to be received by the officers of civil status without requiring any further formalization of the same," explains Interior Ministry in a circular issued on Tuesday. If the municipalities have doubts, they can verify the correctness of the stamps on this site: http://apostila.gov.md/en/start.

The same goes for the permit to be submitted to the City of Moldovans who marry in Italy. This is issued with the 'apostille from their Ministry of Justice: Italian municipalities have to accept it and proceed with the marriage banns.

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Angels Prut, Moldova singing Parmesan PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 12 May 2010 21:40

On May 1 they sent the audience into raptures Piacenza. Polase, Maruga, Doga Dog and Prut are the protagonists of the band that is sweeping the nights of dancing with macaroni ducal rhythms of Eastern Europe.

Once there was the English "fake" by Raf and Ivana Spagna . Today we look east Europe. With a touch of creativity, an online translator, and a bit 'of geography here's Angels Prut ( LOOK AT THE SITE ), self-proclaimed Moldovan band, with its rhythms and his lyrics goes crazy on the dance floor and Parma also crosses borders of the province, coming to celebrate May 1 in Piacenza.

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In Moldova, we must acknowledge, is the name of the river Prut. Behind the scene there are 4 boys Parma, born Marcello Savi, Andrea Tanzi, Gino Andreoli Cagnolati and Leonardo, who decided to create this unique experiment in art and music. "Everything is born - said Leonardo - by a Polish video with four guys dressed in strange ways but singing seriously." So I borrowed the costumes, the challenge remained of the texts. How do you write a song in Moldova?

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Program ANOF Fair organized in Padua, Italy PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 08 May 2010 10:47

We try to keep you informed along the way and to publish some pictures.

10:40 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The official opening of the Fair Information on the labor market in Moldova. All employees are willing to explain and give information and guests. We expect again until 16:00  

He talked to Mr. Josan 10:40 Oleg Moldovan diaspora cik representative in Italy.

10:30 organizers ended the speech, including Ms. Buliga Minister, Mr. Per Lindberg, Project Manager, representative of the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of Italy Mr. Maurizio Saconi.

9:30 partecipantilor started recording about 50 people from home.

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