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Disadvantages barbed wire fence removal PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 21 December 2009 14:07

Before being made a job or to have initiated a material that can have a bad influences on people, environment, etc.. (In our case, it is removed barbed-wire fence on the Prut River) requires not only a study on the impact it will have, but consultations are needed throughout the company, execution of opinion polls. Site www.parlament.md is published in the "projects into Parliament" project that discusses this issue, together with an information note. In that memorandum it is noted that "this initiative is subject to several appeals of the population of traders, local government officials ...". In this case I agree with the initiators of the project because actual data are not available, because as I found in discussions with ordinary people, most of them refuse to comply with the intent of "demolition of the last bastion of communism in Europe" because we deal with a historical problem, but with an ecological problem. However, this will lead inevitably to total deforestation of forest strips, the devastation Prut river banks, to poaching, abuse from business and wealthy citizens to be "gifted" with agricultural land. Moreover, the barbed wire fence is a guarantee of protection of human wickedness pîlcuri the last remaining coastal forest. For, look how they acted in a barbaric way, the people of southern districts of Moldova, having a free hand to use their natural wealth.

Sirma ghimpata romanita

In this case, status institutions are required to work with people's minds because it is an old mentality, of Soviet origin, on the other hand, the barbed wire fence can not be an obstacle for Moldova to join the EU and to pursue border projects. Exactly here is the vulnerable people unable to manage a situation in accordance with European standards, unable to decide what is good for their benefit.

Rulers should know that removing the barbed wire fence will enhance border crossing attempts RM, which is established by means of r.Prut line (how many of the swimmers will have a asemeanea temptation?), Will increase cases of drowning, and and will lead to unauthorized dumps, due to its proximity to the towns under water. What bothers me is that environmental organizations have taken water in the mouth (the Prut really?) and close their eyes to the future will be bloodshed. When was another government, there were now apparently entered into lethargy. Shame!

Are more important issues waiting to be solved and those who have entrusted power should not rely on emotions, to invoke the past to repair the historic injustice do not know that. For the past is dead and this is another, and everything we do must be done with the head.

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Efim Tarlapan: "The real talent does not go through metamorphosis" PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 21 December 2009 22:56
Efim Tarlapan Efim Tarlapan epigramist Bessarabian which is eternal exile in Cluj-Napoca more than a decade. With students today is that Bessarabia was delighted to find the Transylvanian lands.


AC: Mr Efim Tarlapan, you Bessarabian writer who had the courage to write more than others, satire and humor. Where this courage?

TE: As a child, I was "Baciul" family, a dry summer day, I went with the sheep and cow grass scythe of kolkhoz. As underground household president appeared, riding on a huge stallion suddenly propped behind the hoofs of grass, made Tarn, and those before, the greatest height in front of me. "Why did you get, lad, with dibitoacele on our land?" Shouted angry boss, turning stormy whip to hit me. "Not yours! It is mankind's earth! "I've cried so much that şfichiul to whip off the air, and horse, with all the rider, flash went past me, that only a few moments to recover and to be asked, slow this time: "And your name, lad, Brave?"

I said. My name as my name and today, more than half a century after that event: Efim Tarlapan. And then, even then, I have encouraged and emboldened me dangers to which I gave my face to face ...

AC: Why do not you continued career started in college, the journalist?

TE: Writing custom, neuritis more than wanted, I felt as time passes and aimless life.

AC: How hard is it for a satirical daring work to promote a communist space?

ET: By 1989, the year weakening of communist power between the Prut and Dniester, I managed to edit my original ten books and anthologies of satire and humor, in print from 5 thousand to thirty-five thousand copies. The distribution does not worry me. State Committee for deals and trade book publishers. More difficult was the editing. I watched, weighed every word, every phrase more ... Some openly, others on the back. Clung not only political and ideological significance of writing. Any able to serve as a reason to tear your text.

In my first book, Sorry to bother you ... (1974) -   inclue in groups of parody humorous imitation as a boy lyrics   Bard, who had passion and drinking ... Here's version of that book: "From a coffee shop went out last night / I fell on a ciotcă hazel / And I figured out it out of the Globe, / I never drew it, but ... What good !(...). Parody, one of my first book (highlight!), Ends with a row of points, points, evidence that was true as a kind of tail, which the censor has cut it. Why? Because, in a verse, the word navel ,..." obscene "and called vigilant censor. Here amputated verse, which I managed to "claim" later in another book: "The fall-sheep, as tomorrow, in another pit / And be other holes or the road / Let to be up Navel-in   in water, I do not get one ... What good! "E-eh! How lucky was that censor, which he called "belly" dirty word! He died recently and on time ... That if still alive today, when many female navel, large or small, is naked in the sight of all, more dying once ...

AC: Describe us an immediate reaction (if it was a) opposite your writing satirico-humorous.

TE: There were more and different forms: chronic positive, negative reviews, swearing oral and written attacks epigrammatic. I have some quiet, others have responded. In 1991, Chisinau Periodical Publishing my book published satires, fables, epigrams, aphorisms, titled pouch. Of the 15 thousand copies, one master Alexander arrived at Bucharest Clenciu considered "living classic" of caricature and Romanian epigrams. Lecturând volume, master immediately launched an arrow poison to me: "Dear brother, forgive me, / But in your book that sips, / Have you included between the covers / And some book ... blind! "I replied promptly:" Why were blind? I knew / Co. have come across the Prut, / How could pull the brother / cartridge-true? ".

AC: Bessarabians to "jump" Prut often change their views and reinforce their values. Why do you think this happens?

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Barbed wire on the Prut River with "acts okay" to be removed PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 21 December 2009 10:48

Prime Minister asked the Cabinet last Wednesday to develop a set of documents required removal of barbed wire fence on the border with Romania. Spinning considers it a shame to be kept barbed wire border with a friendly country in the 21st century when all of Europe's borders are transparent and people can move freely. Wire should be removed until March 10. Sirma ghimpata Prut

Two years ago, members of Ungheni have developed a project to modernize the system of border surveillance and waiver of barbed wire, which was approved by Romania, but refused by the former communist government of Chisinau. Harea stated that the barbed wire to prevent access to over 2,500 hectares on the banks of the Prut River, which could be exploited for tourism. In April 2008, Vladimir Voronin has warned local management not to put barbed wire on a 80 km segment of the Moldovan-Romanian border. "You guys Ungheni, have problems with the border? Barbed wire not yours. If you calm down, you get in jail with all of your council and first President of the district ", Voronin said then.


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Parable butterfly PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 17 December 2009 08:13

One day, in a cocoon of a small hole appeared. A man who accidentally passed around, stopped a few minutes to see the butterfly which is forced out through the small hole. After several attempts it seemed that the butterfly has resigned and left the hole as small. It seemed that the butterfly did everything he could and was not feeling anything. The man decided to help the butterfly: he took a knife and opened the cocoon. The butterfly emerged immediately. But his body was weak and anemic, its wings were less developed and hardly moved.

The man continued to observe a moment thinking that in another butterfly wings will open and will bear its own weight because it can fly. This did not happen! Butterfly and lived your life crawled on the ground, his body crouched low and wings. Could not fly EVER

What man in his gesture of kindness and its intention Jutaí aa, did not understand that going through the narrow hole of the cocoon that the butterfly was the effort required to send his body fluid from the wings to fly. Pain that life was to go put it to grow and to flourish. Sometimes, the effort is just what we need in life. If we were allowed to live life without difficulties encountered, we were limited. I could be so strong as we are. We could never fly!

I asked for power ... Life gave me obstacles to make me strong.

I asked for wisdom ... And life has given me problems to solve them.

I asked for prosperity ... And life has given me brain and muscles to work.

I asked to be able to fly ... And my life has overcome barriers to learn about them.

I asked for love ... And life has given me people to help in their problems.

I asked for favors ... And potentially life gave me.

I have not received anything I asked ... But I got everything I needed.

Live your life without fear, attacking all obstacoleşi demostreză that you can stand it!


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To urge tolerance PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 16 December 2009 13:23

Recently, a story went around the world on a group of parishioners that orthodox Hebrew Menora destroyed, a kabbalistic symbol, which was installed near the monument of Stefan cel Mare in Chisinau center, at the Hebrew religious celebration called "Hanukka" . Both sides began to accuse each other, invoking his arguments on their actions, and the entire local and international media and the Moldovan political class were all susceptible to this incident. I will not go into details about who is right or short not because there is a very important issue. I want to mention that the place where the domicile, held as a confrontation, namely that representatives "Iehova2's Witnesses supported the family tried to open it in house, a place of worship, to help the needy people, enthusiast a defect. Many people, as an incentive, revolted against these "Antichrist", but police intervened to calm the spirits representative. Shepherd "Jehovah's Witnesses, an intelligent man and calmly told to resignation: "We understand your attitude, and if you say that your church and you are so united, why not worry about your neighbors, the worst of you, being more conceited and proud, that no utility.

Based on the foregoing, all over the world, there is tolerance and human behavior at high putînd him step on the weak. People have not learned to look beyond their religious views, national, racial, etc.. They remained the same inferiority complex, fear and darkness tissue natures and resulting clutter robeşte earth. Few seek truth and light that lead to a deeper issue of chains of materialism. Neither church nor state will not save man, but inside the conscience, when, by his own will, will connect the universal consciousness (God). Jesus said: "The kingdom of God is not look here, look there, but everyone înăutrul." Anyone in his way of thinking, to speak and act in the name of good, can change the world.

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