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Melanie Marlett: I`m sure that Moldova has all the necessary components to become a prosperous and successful economy PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 06 February 2010 17:18

Chisinau, Feb. 6 / MOLDPRES /. I'm sure that Moldova has all the necessary components to become a prosperous and successful economy. Made statements to that effect Melanie Marlett, World Bank country manager in Moldova, in a press interview given balance, inform MOLDPRES.

WB official also stressed that Moldova has a huge human potential and is crucial to use this potential in all spheres of social life. Government should make efforts and to modernize the public sector. "Debureaucratization and attract the most talented and implicarerea nationalities, are crucial for improving the quality of public administration. Of course, not an easy task and this will not happen overnight, but it is important that the commitment is made, and public administration reform to move forward, "said Melanie Marlett.

WB country manager also noted, in context, the dynamism, creativity and energy that Moldovans are equipped to find a prominent place in offices and public institutions. "In all my travels I was impressed by the republic of Moldova's youth. Their skills and ambition to make Moldova a successful country should be encouraged and supported," said the same source.

The new Government has a unique opportunity to implement economic reforms sustainable and irreversible. Government had a very good start and should be congratulated for their efforts. World Bank stands ready to further support and is grateful to work closely with the Government and development partners, stressed Melanie Marlett.

According to the official WB, 2010, the total amount of financial support offered by the World Bank Moldova will amount to about U.S. $ 100 million, notes MOLDPRES.

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Moldova, Europe map? PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 05 February 2010 00:15

Basescu cu Ghimpu la o conferinta Last week was marked by two important moments in Europe-Romania-Moldova relations: the establishment of an informal group of friends of Moldova in Brussels and Basescu's visit to Chisinau accompanied by almost half of the Romanian government, a strong signal of interest from Romanian this country.

The first concrete results of the visit: the decision to establish a National Authority for Citizenship, which will expedite the granting Romanian citizenship to those who missed it (as most Moldovan) and a grant of 100 million dollars for educational projects, primarily. There is also the promise of connecting networks, energy, transport records, the railway network, etc.. Not for the first time he is talking about something in the relationship between the two countries, but given the new power in Chisinau, the projects are more likely to be achieved in a relatively short time.

Moldovans are Romanians read?

It is one of the most sensitive files. Two years ago, Romania regained the simplified procedure could prove citizenship for Moldovans, until the third generation, there were Romanian citizens. Only last year were awarded nearly 20 thousand citizens. The establishment of the Citizenship, the number of files to be analyzed will go to 100 or even 150 thousand a year. Several issues involved here: Romanian institution will be able to just set up to work quickly and effectively to the wave of applications for citizenship will arrive (it is estimated that there are already 600 thousand applications)? The announcement regarding the establishment of new agencies will likely trigger new applications for grant of citizenship. The question of finding locations where it is situated agency, hiring officials, sharing files, etc..

Logistical issues are but the smallest problem. More important are the political ones. We see that there is primarily a domestic political consensus. UDMR Senator Gyorgy Frunda, a member of the governing party and one Romanian representatives in the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe critical to accelerating the FRY on the grounds that granting Romanian citizenship "not only to help the Russian right wing, whose objective is a Moldova without Romans. "

To have chances of success, "project Moldova" is not only of Traian Basescu, and national consensus must be achieved both in the political class, as well as in society, because there will be voices to protest when they hear that hundreds of thousands Moldovans to become Romanian citizens in a time short enough. At the political level, I saw there, at least apparently, shared vision of both Traian Basescu and Geoana how, if we think the latter's statement: "I welcome this visit. It's a very good thing that Moldova is moving with energetic steps towards democracy and towards Europe. " In addition, PSD can be an important voice around Europe Moldova, through formal and less formal contacts they have in Brussels and other European capitals. We can mention here for example Adrian Severin, who is the "voice" on foreign policy in the European Parliament Socialists.


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Moldova seeks to escape EU visas PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 04 February 2010 23:57

EU experts will come to Chisinau to initiate dialogue on the abolition of visa regime between the EU and Moldova, send RFI correspondent in Chisinau, Valeria Viţu.

Iurie Leanca Deputy Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration said in a press conference that the EU mission will assess on a mandate given level of education, the prospects for launching and completing the dialogue between the EU and Moldova, on lifting visa.

EU experts will visit Moldova on 1-3 March. Pasaport Republica Moldova

In late March, is expected to Chisinau and a group of co-rapporteurs of the Council of Europe , which will document and prepare a report on the functioning of democratic institutions in Moldova. It will be heard at the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly in April.

Asked by RFI Foreign Minister Iurie Leanca said that Moldova will continue to be monitored by the Council of Europe by the end of this year. "We decided to have a dialogue with the Council of Europe, to work with consistency and managed to take him to Moldova under the monitor which lasts 15 years, "said Iurie Leanca.

SOURCE: rfi.ro

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No matter jurisdiction to appoint ambassadors algorithm PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 04 February 2010 23:38

Foreign Minister Iurie Leanca present evidence at a press conference on the practice of his predecessor Vladimir Voronin's consent before appointing an accountant and an embassy. Reviews the recent activities of foreign policy, Minister Iurie Leanca treated as a recent successful visit of Prime Filat United States of America, and noted with satisfaction the extension of the circle of friends of Moldova. Iurie Leanca

Aware that the press still needs various facts and Minister Leanca not hesitate to ask them to dispiozitie. Iurie Leanca reminded by the media that former high officials have returned diplomatic passports that are no longer entitled to hold or even in their home illegally obtained. Ion Morei as appropriate, for instance, former Secretary of Supreme Security Council or Miron Gagauz, former head of the Railways Company. May forgetful owners list included former ambassadors and their wives, but also former Foreign Minister Andrei Stratan. Up and Vladimir Vorionin has returned some time expired diplomatic passport and one of the two with the word valid.

Another fact is linked diverse as former President Voronin. Leanca Minister presented to journalists a few samples of letters kept secret by the former foreign minister seeking the agreement of the former head of state to appoint an accountant or an administrator embassy. Leanca Minister suggested that this kind of correspondence and away from the eyes of the world still looks very relevant to practice standing behind the statements of former pro-government.

To convince us that another flour mill to grind today I asked the Foreign Minister of the Note Leanca appointment of new ambassadors recalled from the exchange of official unannounced but obvious reasons included the famous algorithm unless you stop designating chiefs diplomatic missions. Here is how to answer top diplomat in Chisinau: "Items not algoritmizează ambassadors and appointments will be made solely on the basis of competence."

Deputy Leanca assured that you will press conferences on a regular but informal breafinguri promised to press so journalists to tackle subjects in an informed foreign policy agenda.

SOURCE: europalibera.org

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Darkness Policy PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 31 January 2010 08:58

Politics in Moldova is a big business, a permanent race after worship, after completing his pride and lust for power. Policy requires a huge stake based on pumping money from various companies, involuntary or forced to provide grants and nesătule parties willing to keep afloat. Which companies earn? In the case that socio-political movements come to power, they are "bound" to pay to "subsidies or rents" them (as you) as tax protection, export facilities, etc., which have legal coverage in fact change the law (for example, the customs or tax), in which it was exposed to different levels of import or export or provide for reinvestment of profit for large companies only (!).

In Moldova, political squabbling between the parties and within them I am in full swing. Emigration from one boat to another has become a habit for Changing stockings. Instead of these "traitors", "dissatisfied" or "frustrated" to make such steps, they had to resort to tactics "voice crying in the wilderness", ie seek, internally the convening of working sessions, Ordinary Congress or extraordinary to clear excess duties of party leaders. Admittedly, there are also men of honor, with other views, but neregăsindu into the political party, make their own mandates. For, unfortunately, in Moldova we have a truly free political class, because the parties are considered property of the founders or those "smart" and do not belong to the community they represent. They use "good" after their interests, irrespective of the views of members, but forget that because of their work area and voter support, coming to power. Therefore, people should treasure the most, not grabbing businesses. But dark minds thirst for power, which lead to political amnesia, having repercussions on the morale of the people suffering in misery and darkness. Where is the true light?

To counter the illegal actions of politicians, would be necessary in the Moldovan Criminal Code, the chapter "Crimes against political and constitutional rights of citizens" should be made to the offense of "unfulfilled political promises in order to mislead the eletoratului" whose punishment is banning the practice any political activities. On the other hand, is its people seek moral damages for unfulfilled promises?

Politicians indulge in the illusion that they are the smartest, and others are farmers who can endure and vote. For its primary purpose is to boast that "look we did something for Moldova!" and to appoint the material benefits. But they forget that time passes, people wake up and decay parties, like meteors in the night sky. Nothing is forever, and the ashes remain after their dirty money.

Tell me, in memory of people, after 20 years of independence, any party or politician has remained good architect? Even none, none! None denied to self sacrifice for his people. O Holy naivete?

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