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Movement of objects with thought power PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 01 March 2010 09:45

Moving a ball in a real game, and created Mindflex company Mattel, or off a virtual spacecraft piloted only with mind power, as in the movie "Star Wars", regarded as true performance, which is the magic or science fiction field became the everyday realities of the twenty-first century society lea.În during the Vancouver Olympics , Canadian company proposed public Interaxon remote control, "the power of thought" lighting system falls of Niagara , the tower in Toronto or the Parliament in Ottawa, with internet and video. Prague Orchestra musicians in Multimodal Brain, wearing helmets fitted with electrodes, they performed various musical compositions, to use hands-free in April 2009, the closing European Conference "Beyond Science Fiction." Switch to a TV, a handling robot a prosthesis or a wheelchair, writing a text by choosing letters on a screen are so many applications become possible due to brain-computer interfaces, by interpreting brain signals, however, without leading to "read thoughts". Experience first for some people with severe disabilities, these techniques are currently guided by a wider public, by launching games like Mindflex, recently marketed in the U.S. company Mattel.
US-Australian company Emotiv proposes users the helmet era, equipped with 14 sensors, an application "emotional", which enables them to control their emotional responses with a "mental map of activity, given the time they real.Compania He gave the producers of video games that is possible "to add an extra dimension" in terms of interaction with the characters' feelings in response to the user. "Measuring a person's emotional state today from an electroencephalogram, is a very complicated process, "said Olivier Betrand, head of research at the Institut National Santé et Recherche of Health (INSERM). But a patch or an electrode placed on top of a person picks up the muscles face, moving eyes, eyebrows, "to recover an emotion," said Anatole Lecuyer, specializing in the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et automatique (INRIA), which he helped draft Openvibe.Capabil computer program to analyze brain waves in real time, this program opens the way for the development and other applications for the benefit of persons with disabilities. Currently, a series of video games are designed in collaboration with the company Ubisoft, which has already, in May 2009, a program that allows off virtual manned spacecraft power minţii.Şi therapeutic applications are foreseen in the near future. Wearing headphones connected to several electrodes, hyperactive patients can learn to focus and those suffering from chronic pain can feel better, knob-and business travelers cerebrală.Folosirea these external interfaces requires the consent of the persons concerned: "The current level of modern technology, if the person is not motivated, then that technique will not work, "said Anatole Lecuyer. "Today, in order to decipher the intentions or mental state of a person, it must cooperate," said Olivier Bertrand.Însă, warn experts in this field with the discovery technique for implantation of electrodes in the brain, as is common practice to treat Parkinson's disease, the risk of mental manipulation is not excluded.

Source: realitatea.net

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Moldovans are near the border can enter Romania without a passport. PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 26 February 2010 10:14

Moldovan citizens who live on less than 50 km from the border without a passport can enter Friday in Romania, by agreement between Romania and Moldova to enter into force on February 26.

According to the Moldovan Foreign Ministry, of the Agreement will benefit about 1.25 million Moldovan citizens, residing in 361 villages of the border.

Instead they need a permit small traffic. It will be released Moldovan citizens who reside at least one year in a locality situated 50 km far from the border, within maximum 60 days after filing, transmit Radio Romania.

Applications may be submitted, for now, at the Romanian Consulate in Chisinau, shortly following that, they can be downloaded and consulates in Balti and Cahul.

Also, the Moldovans will be able to address the Moldovan Consulate in Iasi, which will later be opened up at the April 2, according to the Moldovan Foreign Minister Iurie Leanca.

Romania's accession to the Schengen area of low traffic permits will be granted free and then their price will be determined in agreement with the European Commission.

Validity of permits is between two and five years.

According to officials of the Romanian Embassy in Chisinau, until Wednesday was not filed any permit applications for small traffic.

Boc and Moldovan Prime Minister Filat signed in December 2009, an agreement that allows the citizens of Romania and Moldova residing in villages situated close to the border between the two countries, at 30-50 km distance from the line border, similar to flow into the neighboring state without a visa, only with a valid permit 2-5 years.

Carla Dinu HotNews.ro

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There are slaves today PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 25 February 2010 23:33
Reggio Calabria, Salvatore Facchineri, a young man of 36 years of Cittanovа already made to police records, was sentenced by the Court of Appeal in Calabria and received ten years and eight months in jail with charge: aggravated keeping slavery. He was arrested by the carabiner in 2006 because the required two Romanian citizens working on a farm of animals aparţnea defendant, the price of one euro per hour. He slipped to work and operate 15 hours a day missed at least understanding of one euro per hour. Romanian poor lived in a hut near the farm had no ruined at least minimal conditions of hygiene and convenience.
So young and has sold nearly 11 years of freedom and youth with less as a euro per hour ... Add a comment
My mother flew - today LA7 (Italy) PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 25 February 2010 13:13

At first deck della fiction documentary sull'incontro tra genitori e Figli adottati. Intervista a Gianfranco Arnoletti, presidente del CIFA, l'Ente 6 store protagonist Income

Dopo qualche settimana di ATTESA, Andre in greenhouse quest Onda su LA7 alle 21.10 hours " Mamma ha preso l'aereo "first delle sei della docu-fiction to bridge bolt, per the first Volta, they telecamere L'Incontro tra genitori Hanno Filmato Bambini che loro her adottivi diventeranno Figli.

It consists born per conto delle release various Tapp necessarie e poi per giungere all'adozione racconterà delle singole, di adozione specific store. One Troupe tv ha seguito di 6 Coppi on the vine "ATTESA adottiva. In vicenda loro, come quella di tante Rubber Italian Coppi, Simi ad aspetti è per Molt a biological gravidanza: l'ATTESA to speranza, e paura them to emozioni sono allo stesso modo crescent is intense.

Il programma è stato di sviluppato contain him legal aid Onlus CIFA (Centro Internazionale per l'Infanzia is in Famiglia), uno dei maggiori che Usability and occupano adozioni internazionale di (CIFA and give him different Anni trove of primo posto per numero nelle Statistiche della Horses di adozioni realizzate: nel 2009 l'ha consentito 340 adozione di Bambini, seguito da L'Airone, Ariete, AiBi, Ciai, Area).

Vita presidente ha chiesto of CIFA, Gianfranco Arnoletti, vauta come to Attu situazione internazionale delle adozioni s per ha scelto di collaborare Qual motivo alla creazione della fiction.

Vita: E 'stato a scholastic economic cris's social, scholastic blocchi is rallentamenti paese delle adozioni in diversity. Conservatoire primato have come questo?

Gianfranco Arnoletti: Non è stato facile, ovviamente. Mantenere to a paese con posizione praticamente "scomparso", nel 2009, come to Cambodia, it is not virtual un'impresa. Abbiamo fatto della Tesoro credibility constructed in quest to Aunt Anni Altria paese, rinnovando in collaborazione di Fiducia is the central authority whose godiamo containing them, they amministrazioni and local partners.

Vita: Più di Dove lavorato you?

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Communism? No, Grazie! PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 25 February 2010 12:52

A symposium held in London last year, another that was held recently in Paris had as theme ideas news communism. That such events take place twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall is still a thing of wonder. Although it would be wise not to surprised by anything.

Marxism again, a few weeks ago titled Le Monde, a leading standard for intellectuals. Among them, Alain Badiou, Jacques Rancière, Toni Negri, Gianni Vattimo, Slavoy Zizek, Jean-Luc Nancy. Sure, we immediately draw attention to the name of Toni Negri, arrested in Italy in 1979, an investigation into terrorism, originally sentenced to 30 years in prison for "subversive association" and "plotting against the state", suspected to have been involved in assassination of Aldo Moro. Let us not stop but collateral considerations.

Philosophers mentioned above considers communism "an old word, magnificent." Alain Badiou is could not be more emphatic: "Without the horizon of communism, without this idea, nothing in politics is not becoming of historical interest relating to a philosopher." In turn, commenting on Shakespeare's drama, British philosopher Terry Eagleton sublime nature of communist states, only he, "may allow us again to our natural perception of our bodies."

What becomes immediately apparent even from these brief quotations, the pull of communism as historical reality. Millions of victims is due, of course, incorrect application of generous ideas of communism. The chorus is well known. In fact, Marxist philosophy today no longer insists on the implementation of the communist ideal. They prefer to float in the abstract, to divagheze around some general, to make globalization etc. Some prophet Marx Mao nostalgia, others maintain the cult of Hugo Chavez, Others, finally, appear as supporters of radical Islam. Use of acrobatic pirouettes, as is Alain Badiou said: "The idea of Communism expresses a truth in a structure of fiction." A "structure of fiction?" We can not do anything but to send him on Badiou to read or reread, Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago.

Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek about how he believes that the ghost of communism is still haunting and cites these words from a piece of Beckett: "He tried again. The rate again. A better rate. To miss out again? Thank you. I missed the top and stuff, for several generations.


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