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Disadvantages barbed wire fence removal PDF Print E-mail
Written by Vasile Gaviuc   
Monday, 21 December 2009 14:07

Before being made a job or to have initiated a material that can have a bad influences on people, environment, etc.. (In our case, it is removed barbed-wire fence on the Prut River) requires not only a study on the impact it will have, but consultations are needed throughout the company, execution of opinion polls. Site www.parlament.md is published in the "projects into Parliament" project that discusses this issue, together with an information note. In that memorandum it is noted that "this initiative is subject to several appeals of the population of traders, local government officials ...". In this case I agree with the initiators of the project because actual data are not available, because as I found in discussions with ordinary people, most of them refuse to comply with the intent of "demolition of the last bastion of communism in Europe" because we deal with a historical problem, but with an ecological problem. However, this will lead inevitably to total deforestation of forest strips, the devastation Prut river banks, to poaching, abuse from business and wealthy citizens to be "gifted" with agricultural land. Moreover, the barbed wire fence is a guarantee of protection of human wickedness pîlcuri the last remaining coastal forest. For, look how they acted in a barbaric way, the people of southern districts of Moldova, having a free hand to use their natural wealth.

Sirma ghimpata romanita

In this case, status institutions are required to work with people's minds because it is an old mentality, of Soviet origin, on the other hand, the barbed wire fence can not be an obstacle for Moldova to join the EU and to pursue border projects. Exactly here is the vulnerable people unable to manage a situation in accordance with European standards, unable to decide what is good for their benefit.

Rulers should know that removing the barbed wire fence will enhance border crossing attempts RM, which is established by means of r.Prut line (how many of the swimmers will have a asemeanea temptation?), Will increase cases of drowning, and and will lead to unauthorized dumps, due to its proximity to the towns under water. What bothers me is that environmental organizations have taken water in the mouth (the Prut really?) and close their eyes to the future will be bloodshed. When was another government, there were now apparently entered into lethargy. Shame!

Are more important issues waiting to be solved and those who have entrusted power should not rely on emotions, to invoke the past to repair the historic injustice do not know that. For the past is dead and this is another, and everything we do must be done with the head.

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Last Updated on Monday, 21 December 2009 15:37

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