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Vladimir Voronin wants to sue the Romanian state PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Friday, 01 October 2010 13:09
The leader of the Communist Party of Moldova (PCRM), Vladimir Voronin is dissatisfied with the fact that Romania is involved in the internal affairs of the Republic of Moldova ", and for this reason, the party they represent, the neighboring state will act in international courts.
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Voronin's statement came during a meeting with European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, Stefan Fule.
"Statements by high-ranking Romanian politicians at various international fora, defies the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Moldova. These are neither commented on nor condemned by the representatives of the Alliance government, but neither the European forums. EU has not only found someone else to nominate as president Macovei interparliamentary delegation of the European Parliament in our country, which in turn is known for sharp statements addressed to Moldova, Voronin expressed his dissatisfaction.
Also, Voronin was extremely outraged that two people who have the most important positions in state and Filat Ghimpu, declaring de facto - Romanian, which directly conflicts with constitutional norms of the Republic of Moldova.
In turn, Stefan Fule, noted that the Moldovan society today remains very divided and polarized, or this is the duty of all political parties to help overcome this situation. Fule said that the European Union calls for swift exit from the crisis in Moldova is located.
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Nostradamus predicts World War III PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Friday, 01 October 2010 08:27

Before read this article, you can try Pomodoro Technique.

According to the predictions of Nostradamus, the end of 2010 will bring disaster among people, triggering the Third World War.
The mysterious quatrains means that Russia will be involved, as expected, especially when it comes to such situations, and in the Black Sea will be a catastrophe of chemical origin.
Astrologers and prophets have announced that 2010 will be a difficult one, culminating with a conflict between two great powers. Those who interpret the predictions of Nostradamus warns that a leader "ruthless and bloodthirsty" leads the "sword and fire."
In addition to this interpretation, these passages appear in so-called "Ark of the anger of Satan", which is thought to be represented by a possible launch of a ballistic missile.
Specialists in deciphering the writings of Nostradamus say that he would have predicted a series of adverse events for 2010, including: beginning of the Third World War in November, based on bacteriological and chemical weapons, Iscar major conflicts between States U.S. and Western Europe, serious disagreements between Britain and France, the possibility of an armed military conflict in Crimea, suffered a terrible dive from Europe and an economic catastrophe will happen in the Black Sea, involving chemicals - hydrogen sulfide.
Other predictions made by astrologers are related to the deepening economic crisis and global warming, the collapse of major global corporations, a possible conflict in Central Asia, Russia devastation due to big earthquakes, decreased solar activity, the waters will flood the south-east Asia declining birthrates in Europe and form a new union that will include USA, European countries and the Pacific Basin.

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Last Updated on Saturday, 06 August 2011 14:14
Ghimpu signed a decree dissolving Parliament PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Tuesday, 28 September 2010 19:51

Interim President of the Republic of Moldova, Ghimpu Tuesday signed the decree dissolving the parliament of the XVIII. Decree shall enter into force as early as Wednesday, September 29, informs Unimed.

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"Here came the day that will confirm what I always said that I shall comply with the Constitution, and will likely convince you that everyone who said they Ghimpu will not dissolve, it's usurper, has made bad policy and they lied to the citizens. I am the man that I lived all my life I defended the law and the law, "said Ghimpu's meeting to sign the decree.
The president expressed regret that you have to sign the decree that citizens voted for change, which must have a term of four years and not one.
By the same decree, November 28 election date was called early.
The decision comes after the Constitutional Court gave a positive opinion approach Interim President of the Republic of Moldova, Ghimpu recording the dissolution of parliament of the necessity 18th.
Dissolution of the Parliament will take place exactly 60 days before parliamentary elections on November 28 deadline stipulated by law for organizing electoral campaign.
Interim President Ghimpu ProTV as stated in the general election date will be November 28. Once agreed by all members of the Alliance for European Integration after the Liberal Democratic Party have rejected the initiative of Prime Minister Filat election campaign to reduce from 60 to 30 days, transmit Radio Free Europe.


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Three moldai stole the bike fan PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Sunday, 26 September 2010 10:28

Waiting for the whistle to make the bicycles left in the raid zone Tardini by fans pledged to follow the exploits of Parma. Three young Moldovans, aged 19 to 27 years, were a sure: with big nippers in the roamed the streets around the stadium, waiting for the start of the game. Then in 90 minutes and scored more hits as possible, certain that the owners of the vehicles they would be caught in the act. Once broken chains and padlocks, and brought the bike in a garage in Via Bandini, become a real repository of stolen bikes.

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The activities of the gang, however, was interrupted by police. The military had received several reports of thefts in the area the stadium during games, so the checks have intensified in the nearby streets. A patrol around 14:30 so he noticed two young men riding bicycles pedaled away hastily into a courtyard in Bandini. There, they waited another boy in a backpack that held a large pair of wire cutters. In addition, the search has allowed him to find young padlocks and chains broken. The three were found in possession of a stolen bike just a dad who accompanied his son to watch the game. In the garage and the courtyard were seized a total of seven vehicles that are stolen. For the three boys, all of Moldovan nationality, unemployed and recently arrived in Italy, have gone off in handcuffs. Today has been validated during the process to stop direct route: they must wait for the court to remain in prison.


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Last Updated on Sunday, 26 September 2010 10:37
Where to live best in Europe? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Wednesday, 22 September 2010 13:54

The most recent report regarding the quality of life shows that despite the scandal that is involved, France is the country that lives on the old continent's best.

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The report by uswitch.com, according to 16 criteria, including cost of living, number of vacation days, years of retirement or the number of sunny days a year, Spain ranks second.
In France people retire from work (for now) at the earliest, as in Poland and most health spending. And life expectancy is highest in France (81 years) compared with the rest of Europe. The French enjoy 36 days holiday per year, compared with 28 in Great Britain, for example.
Regarding the number of sunny days, France was immediately after Spain and Italy. How about Spain, Here are the best prices on alcohol, and the number of holidays is the largest, 43. Unfortunately, the Spanish government spends less on education.
3rd in this ranking is Denmark, followed by Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, Great Britain and Ireland.
The life expectancy is lower in Poland, only 75 years, and the country where cigarettes are cheapest, only 1.70 euros, compared with 7.20 euros, how much a pack of cigarettes in all 20 Ireland


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Last Updated on Wednesday, 22 September 2010 21:06
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