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EU to react against Basescu PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Monday, 19 July 2010 22:05

After the German magazine Der Spiegel, two British newspapers suggesting "threat" made to prospective new citizens of the United Kingdom from Romanian, while the Italian newspaper Il Giornale Traian Basescu accuses that "fools the EU, bringing in the Union" a 28th-century New invisible and unwanted Member State "A new" threat "- the million people in Moldova, which would receive Romanian citizenship and will invade the Western Europe - is becoming more visible in the European press. Inauguration of the Romanian consulates general in Cahul and Balti continues to be seen as a Pandora's box, which would leave only misfortune for the entire EU. After the German Der Spiegel magazine wrote last week that President Traian Basescu Moldovan EU brings "back door" the same subject was opened yesterday in the press in the Reg Atul Kingdom (UK) and Italy. The Daily Telegraph (DTT) granting citizenship to all labeled a "backdoor" and The Daily Express (TDE) considers a "lottery ticket" for Moldovans. The publications are based on the assumption that the new Romanian citizens will winks social benefits in the UK, which will become a "magnet", given that 90% of Moldovans aching to leave the country, writes TDE. The newspaper believes that the fault is not only Romania but also in social policy in the UK. For TDT, fears of a massive westward migration of Moldovans with Romanian passport are justified, on the one hand, Basescu's promise that everyone who believes Romanian Prut "must move freely in Romania and the EU." Other reasons were low salaries in Moldova (equivalent to about 130 pounds per month) and one million Moldovans already working illegally in the EU. UK antiimigraţie lobby is mobilizing 120,000 Moldovans Those who already have Romanian citizenship, the 800,000 pending claims and Basescu's commitment that the passports will be granted at a rate of 10,000 per month, causing alarm in the UK. "Total figures are very surprising and will soon be equivalent to the population of a small country," said Nigel Farage, the UKIP MEP, quoted by TDE. Farage took advantage of statistics for the accusation that "any claim that Britain can control their borders or that immigration may be limited as long as we are an EU member state is destroyed by this discovery." A similar view was to express, on DTT, Sir Andrew Green, President of Migration Watch, an NGO antiimigraţie UK. "It's amazing that almost a million Moldovans have applied for Romanian citizenship. It is essential that the United Kingdom to work with its partners from the EU, or will we have another wave of cheap labor to be undesirable in a recession," asked Green. The danger of "invasion" will increase after 2013 when the restrictions expire in the UK labor market, on Romanians and Bulgarians.


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Last Updated on Monday, 19 July 2010 22:22
Crisis slows the flow of immigration in Europe and do the opposite in Italy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Monday, 19 July 2010 08:26

Crisis slows the migration to more developed countries. OECD survey points out that the immigrants who arrived in 2008 in the 31 member countries were 4.4 million. That means arrivals down by about 6% over the previous five years, where instead the figure had grown by an average of 11% per year. And the first 2009 data suggest a decrease even more important. According to the OECD, the decline is bound to decline the offer of employment in member countries. The migrants are actually working in the areas most affected by economic difficulties, such as construction and tourism. Furthermore, it appears that many immigrants lost their jobs, they decided to return to their country of origin. Italy, however, is experiencing a different phase and show numbers in contrast with what happens in other advanced countries. Last edited by Immigration Statistical Dossier Caritas Migrantes indicates that in 2008 foreigners in our country, counting legal immigrants but not yet recorded to the registry, there were approximately 4,330,000: 458,664 more than in 2007, with an increase of 13.4%. And the stream of arrivals, despite the economic crisis, has kept pace important throughout 2009, and today, according to data Caritas has over 5.1 million share. In addition to these illegal immigrants, estimated to be approximately 544,000, according to research conducted supports the Catholic University of Gian Carlo Blangiardo professor of demography at the University Milano-Bicocca. Immigrants, Italy and Spain topped the rankings for EU number of arrivals, "The speech has a broader scope, beyond the considerations that can be done for the past two years and the consequences of the crisis. Italy has topped the European charts for the entry of aliens. In the last five years in our country have entered an average of 360,000 immigrants per year. And the trend seems to be constant. Only Spain there is a little later in this list, with 400,000 arrivals a year. In contrast to Germany, the European country with most foreigners (about 6,500,000), each year the newcomers are ten times lower than what is happening to us, "says Luca Di Sciullo, a researcher with Caritas Migrantes.

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Serious rail accidents in India PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Monday, 19 July 2010 07:17

At least 50 people died and over a hundred were seriously injured in a train accident in eastern India, reports BBC. The number of victims is much higher, authorities fear. Dozens of people died in a train accident in India. A passenger train struck in the middle of another seal who was in town Sainthia station, 200 kilometers from Calcutta . More intervention teams were deployed at the scene. It runs a large operation. 50 bodies were recovered. The two trains were packed with commuters returning to work after a weekend spent with family. It happened last night at 2.00 local time. More Bengal-Calcutta route trains were canceled because of the accident. Some sources say that the signaling system would lead to production of the tragedy. Authorities have opened an inquiry to shed light on this case. It is the second serious train accident this year in West Bengal. Only two months ago, 150 people have died after they were lining was struck by a freight train in Bombay. Police blamed Maoist rebels that he plotted an attack, but they have denied any involvement.


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Last Updated on Monday, 19 July 2010 08:25
Secret "Mona Lisa" has been deciphered PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Monday, 19 July 2010 06:57

Although the enigmatic smile is still a mystery, French researchers have discovered a few secrets about how famous work was painted by Leonardo da Vinci, "Mona Lisa." The researchers studied seven of Leonardo's works from the Louvre Museum, including the Mona Lisa, and analyzed the technical success and very thin layers of paint, which gives his paintings that mystery. Experts from the Center for Research and Restoration of the French museum has found that da Vinci used up to 30 layers of paint in his paintings to achieve subtle alternation of light and shadow. Added, the layers were less than 40 micrometers, or about half the thickness of a hair, said lead researcher Philippe Walter, quoted by the Associated Press. The technique, called "sfumato", he allowed da Vinci to create an illusion of depth and shadow. The technique is known, but research on them was limited. French researchers have used a noninvasive technique to study the X-ray layers and their chemical composition. The device is so precise that "we can now find the mixture of pigment used for each layer painter," said Walter. Through analysis of several paintings, experts have also found that da Vinci constantly experience new techniques. To achieve the painting "Mona Lisa" of manganese oxide he used for shadows. In others, used copper.


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Last Updated on Monday, 19 July 2010 07:16
The integration of immigrants in Italy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Darii Sined   
Sunday, 18 July 2010 19:13

The report data CNEL. L 'India beat Romania in the integration work list, even though it ranks ninth for number of residents and the tenth by number of employees.

ROME - India beats Romania in the list of good employment for immigrants in our country even if you place the 9th highest number of residents and 10th for number of employees, areas where the Romanians stand out. It 'as stated in the seventh report on the CNEL index of integration of immigrants in Italy. This figure, says the study, some unexpected proceeds on the top 20 communities of immigrants living on the Italian territory, including Romanians "because the formal accession of Romania - says the text - has not come unless the problems previously found in terms of reception and integration paths. " In second place just Romania, then Moldova in excess of Albania, Ukraine and Morocco. Below, in the intermediate zone, China, Philippines, Peru and Bangladesh. In the bottom of the list Serbia, Egypt, Ghana, Tunisia, Senegal and Macedonia. In the end Sri Lanka, Ecuador, Pakistan and Nigeria. A ranking, the report says, "elaborated on the basis of texture and dynamic employment of individual communities in 2008."

Based on the number of residents, the methodology has been to base the comparison on a range of employment indicators Inail through the incorporation of a first index with absolute values (employees, new hires, sales workers, business owners) and a second in percent (annual sales of employed and employment rate of conversion of hours worked in full-time positions, changes in wages). A ranking but only partially coincides with that of residents and the total number of employees who instead sees the primacy of source countries such as Romania, Albania and Morocco. "The differences depend on the higher rate of activity of some communities than others." Annual changes, the report says, that "diminish the weight of the absolute values and as Romania, Albania and Morocco, even if they remain among the top communities are located near national numerically smaller groups such as Moldova, the ' Ukraine and India. " But despite the ranking, says the CNEL, "job placement is just one of the factors that make the integration process, which is influenced by too many social variables such as family reunification, the presence of children, access to citizenship and so way ".

to overcome.

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Last Updated on Sunday, 18 July 2010 19:19
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