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The last cookie PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 25 March 2010 08:28

At an airport a young woman standing that would make a longer trip. And there bought a book and a packet of biscuits. He sat on a chair, put his luggage beside him and started to read. At one point, he returned to take a biscuit from the pack next to her. He noted with surprise that short distance, sat a gentleman who was reading a newspaper and without having to ask permission, and he began to take the biscuit package.

Although he felt indignant, politeness prevented it to criticize that behavior is inappropriate. But how many dumb she take a biscuit, get one and that he finally made the young become very unhappy. When he took the package penultimuul biscuit, she asked, full of resentment: "Do I dare to take it and the last?". The man took, indeed, the last biscuit at break in two and offered, warm smile, half. Sensing that he exceeded common sense, angry young woman stood up and went to a corner of the waiting room.

He opened the bag to put in the book and ... To her great surprise, he saw in the package of biscuits you buy. In a moment of feeling overwhelmed with shame. He understood that the package which had eaten was not hers, but the man who read the newspaper ... He divided and full of goodness even last piece that was, without feeling resentful, angry or higher.

Moral: Do you when you can, without expecting something in return, not even a thank you and do not regret that you gave! Who you? Who needs ... How you? Always more than you got!

Take the Light of the celebration of Easter is coming!

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Most wealth PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 24 March 2010 09:07

One day a rich father took his son on a trip to the country with the aim of showing how poor people live. They spent several days and nights on a farm where lived a family that could be considered poor.

In return, the father and asked him:

- How was your trip? What do you think about it?

- It was great, Dad!

- Did you see how poor people live. Tell me what you learned from this trip?

The son replied:

- We have seen that we have a dog and they have four. We have a pool in the middle of the garden, and they have a stream that has no end. We have bulbs in the garden, and they were stars in the sky at night. Court extends inland up to our front fence, and they all horizons before. We have a piece of land on which we live, and they have fields that you can not embrace the. We have employees that we serve, they serve it on others. We buy food, they produce it themselves. We have walls around our property to protect, they have friends to protect them.

The boy's father remained speechless. Then his son added:

- Thanks, Dad, because you showed me how poor we are!

Conclusion: Eternity was born in the village (Lucian Blaga).

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Meeting members` codru.org PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 21 March 2010 19:04

Today, March 21, 2009 in Cavriago, Italy, between 14:30 and 17:30 was held the first meeting of 11 members of the association "codru.org. Main purpose of this meeting was to discuss team activities, successes and mistakes made in more than two years of Foreign team, discuss future plans and future status asociţii. This meeting was judged: Daria Sined Pleşcoi Natalia, Nina Gorincioi-Cadoppi, Eleonora Prisacaru, Julia Cat, Anastasia Nicoara, Rotari Iulia Valentina Ştefîrţă, Cazanbaeva Anna and Svetlana Botezatu including Police Inspector Cavriago Municipal and Municipal Councillor, Mr Casali Ivaldo. At the meeting lacked an active member of our team, Popescu Andrean, which sărbătorşte birthday today. Foreign Team congratulates and wishes them a sincere "Buon Compleano. Following the meeting the association's statutes were added to some important points that will help the future management of these activities and better. Thank the team of volunteers who were not present, for their contribution and ajutoru given day.

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A new Decree Flussi in Italy PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 18 March 2010 15:10
       150 thousand domestic workers and 80 thousand of the season. Franco Pitt (Caritas), "a selection of common sense.
Latest bureaucracy between the Ministry of Interior and Labor, but making a decree stream already in preparation. In accordance with predictions arising today on "Il Sole 24 Ore" new decree will be a continuation of that of 2008. Therefore: 105 thousand domestic workers (colf and badantă) and 45 thousand workers for Tarle "reserved", or rather the countries which have signed or are in process to sign specific cooperation agreements with Italy as regards employment emigrated from the country data. These are added and 80 thousand seasonal workers under contract to the CIA and Coldiretti have requested more from the government.
So will a new "click day." Practices, the newspaper notes Confindustria, will be superimposed on what percent still in the process of sanatoria 2009 penru badante, where today only 26% of practices have reached the very end. A physiological problem, solved - Franco says Pitt, coordinator of Statistics Dossier Caritas / Migrantes - with more investment in resources and institutions should assess applications and simplify procedures, and 6 thousand entrepreneurs seek Assolombarda meeting, the Minister of Interior, Roberto Maroni.
"Global Assessment of feed decree future is positive. This is a selection of good sense, which certifies a slow but effective normalization phenomenon" said Pitt, adding "especially at a time like this, pre-election, in where, typically, when it comes to immigration tone of discussion becomes more diverse. Some people already are in Italy, and therefore could be reintroduced experimental procedure to find the work of those who already are in Italy. This is because, as is evident from the former decree stream, nine out of ten people who înnaintează practices already in Italy and are forced either formally or in essence, to return to their country to respect the prerogatives of flows order.
Istat also said several times that between 2005 and 2020, Italy will suffer a decline of 4.5 million people with age between 18 and 44 years. A decline which raises many issues of jobs and an adequate migration policy could compensate.
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Cult beauty PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 15 March 2010 13:40

Today the cult of beauty promoted by all agencies of the media, causes psychological harm to adolescents and dezvoltînduse increasing physiological parameters do not correspond to attract attention as the television and the press. This leads to depression and bulimia yoy sometimes ended fatally, anorexia, inability to have children and a healthy family, lack of confidence in himself and complexing. This situation, however, agreed pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies, cosmetic centers, psychologists, sports equipment manufacturers, etc.. Each person is unique, with its own identity which distinguishes it from others, it is nature, and carrying a healthy lifestyle and the world will become better and more beautiful without the help of modeling programs. View this video to înţeegi that it is not worth the sacrifice.

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