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Contraband cigarette market declined PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 25 April 2010 13:14

Cigarette smuggling has declined to 33.9\% of the market in March, 2.3 percentage points less than the beginning, according to a study commissioned by British American Tobacco and Japan Tobacco International and conducted based on the responses of 2,500 people across the country.

In the first two months, smuggled products have reached 36.2\% of the market, making it the most important player. The decrease is mostly due to initiatives implemented by the authorities to stop smuggling, a significant proposal with a Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Public Finance Order no. 202/2010 prohibiting the sale of cigarettes in duty-free shopping sites, according to a release giving the results of the study.

"The fact that contraband cigarette market declined a positive signal. The latest measures taken by the authorities was a blow to the illegal market, and in our estimates of the two percentages can be converted into an amount equivalent to approximately 20 million euros, which come from the state budget. However, contraband goods still covers a very large market share both in profit and volume, "said Adrian Popa, head of Corporate & Regulatory Affairs, British American Tobacco South East Europe.

According to estimates of the two producers, the state budget could record losses of 1 billion euros due to smuggling of cigarettes only in 2010.

The survey by research company Novel Research shows that the phenomenon of smuggling of cigarettes has a specific regional rather than national one and has the largest scale in the north-east of the country. Moreover, it is the only region that recorded a marked increase in the illicit trade in the period under review, from 52.8\% to 59.5\%, mainly due to illegal cigarettes from Moldova.

Moreover, most smuggling activities decrease, 5.3\% was recorded in the south-east of the country. In the West, sales of contraband cigarettes purchased in duty-free sites had an encouraging decrease by 6.4\%.

Regarding the sale of contraband cigarettes, salesmen are the biggest source of illegal products purchase - 43\% of the market, followed by small stores and neighborhood markets.

Some areas of origin of smuggled products, Moldova is the leader, the volume of cigarettes in this country to climb in March to 6.1\%, followed by duty free shops and sites of Ukraine.

Percentage of contraband cigarettes from duty free sites decreased from 27.4\% to 25\%, a direct consequence of the Ministry of Finance order prohibiting the sale of cigarettes and liquor in duty-free shops and stocks of cigarettes compulsory liquidation and distilled beverages by vendors within 45 days after the entry into force of its provisions (February 9)

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Computer free, open source per l`firmiamo PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 22 April 2010 23:34

Come l'stuzzicare nuovo sistema operativo interest per an, quando il PC, Notebook, Netbook, and trovano sugli scaffali già pronti con il nuovo Windows 7? Impresa is ardua non impossibile.
Per questo, stars in Cima's Blog campeggiare banner che Doughes invite one to favor petizione nel campo del software della liberalizzazione cioè che cercare di fare a contenga quest Law No 3 deck

1) Nella venda it Prezzo di personal computer con dell'hardware deve Esser riportato voice of Prezzo rispetto della distinta mark the d'uso del software in dotazione eventualmente.

2) E 'di rinunciare consentito all'utente all'acquisto della mark the pagare per il software e solamente il Prezzo dell'hardware.

3) Il Prezzo indicato per la mark the d'uso del software deve realistico Esser.

Giusto che pension is SIA's hammer at Attu PETIZIONE companies.
Più di 100.000 Hanno già firmato person!
Non è Libertà a quest anche think?

PS negozi che esistono già senza sistema operativo vendono and PC.
io per esempio l'ho comprato is ovvio che così Tutto il bisognerebbe estendere of supermercati, faremmo in questo modo senza scelta a obblighi. And balance our sono!

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Challenging the VictoriaBank closed for murder PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 21 April 2010 21:21
The recent murder of village Grozesti, Nisporeni, shocked the whole of Moldavia. Witnesses say that this tragedy was a premeditated murder, the defendant's lawyer claims that his client was being able to affect or defend. Although not the first time is suspected of murder, Adrian Nicephorus was not tried again. A few days ago, Minister of Internal Affairs gave assurances that they will be reviewed and previous cases, containing Nicephorus.

Adrian Nicephorus is a controversial businessman. He is 36 years old and is originally from the village Grozesti. Together with his older brother, several years in a row, have taken a business that illegally took it as claimed by his brother Leonid. Adrian has the largest arsenal of legal weapons from Moldova over 119 units. Some have gun permits for life, contrary to law. His name was circulated in several cases, including one related to the death of a policeman in Balti, in 2001, illegal weapons possession in 2003, from VictoriaBank bribes scandal in 2005, attempted murder of his brother in order more in 2006 fatal injury to an elderly, in 2007.

Although the name of Adrian being brought several criminal cases, none was completed. Sources in his entourage claim that he was protected by several persons influences. It speculates including Vladimir Plahotniuc name, which is home of the same village, George's Tips, which was the student's father Nicephorus, and Ion Turcan, the "Flash", veterans who, presumably, were backed by the businessman. It says that this time is pulling strings for the release of Adrian.

His lawyer, Vyacheslav Turcan, said that his client has no criminal record and is not investigated in other cases.

Read more on zdg.md .

Tatiana Eţco - zdg.md

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Life in Moldova, the increasingly expensive PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 21 April 2010 21:12

Vlad Bercu Economist writes that Moldova is a country more expensive. Population afflicted expect radical changes from the new government. Obviously that is an illusion to think that in times of crisis and things can change radically and rapidly, writes journalist. But how the situation was managed by increases in tariffs in mid-January had nothing to do with the crisis. Fluff that was shown in determining compensation, delaying their payment, but also reinforced the mistrust bureaucratic formlităţile population, concludes Vlad Bercu.

Valentina Baciu wrote in Time that the former Minister of Education, Victor Tvircun could be forced to return to the state at least six thousand euros for not having made several judgments in the case of employees who illegally dismissed. Eight cases have reached the ECHR, and to avoid conviction in three cases Moldovan government agent Vladimir Grosu ended mutual transactions following which the state requires applicants to pay 400 euros 6000.

Cornel Ciurea writes in Capital that the May 9 military parade in Moscow politically, is important for Russia, but not for Moldova. As it appears that Moldova seeks a subtle game. Moscow will leave President Michael Ghimpu, which means that Moldova participates in his highest official. Meanwhile, soldiers from the Ministry of Defence will not go to Moscow, which is a dissociation of the general chorus. Plea - no money - is probably one plausible, but it reflects a manifest lack of interest in the event.

Andrei Ivantoc former political prisoner of the separatist regime of Tiraspol, judged by a sentence of life imprisonment said in an interview with Capital that "the truth about the war of the Dniester, as in the April 7, remains to be elucidated" . If former President Voronin and those of his entourage will not be punished, believes Ivantoc, Alliance for European Integration of the new generation will lose confidence.

Diana Raileanu - europalibera.org

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Hackers in Romania, hats off! PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 21 April 2010 20:33

Protest forced the Romanians ţiganizarea

A group of young Romanian specialists in computer science, offered a stinging lesson of large bodies of (dis) European information, publications Le Monde "and" Daily Telegraph ", which were broken sites - being posted messages protest against stigmatization operation by superimposing the image of Romanian Gypsies - MACARIE practiced often simplistic and vulgar British and French media.
The most recent example of such an attitude becomes a stereotype has been recently issued by the French entertainment moderators - and paid television audience - taking in derision greeting to the Romans, male gathering the right. Romanian greeting gesture was the chimps ape franţuji which overlapped Salute tension scoop hand gesture as any kopeck or a Frenchman by the French capital's Roma beggars.
Depending ritual greeting is, is part of gestures laden ancient symbol and raising the right hand by men, the history of chivalry ever leaving, having nothing to do with gestures beggars.
Men carry a sword stretched out and his right hand gripe, they handle the sword, to secure another, confirming that the meeting would take place in peace. Not every hand is stretched, only the sword bearers, knights, had the privilege of greeting. Obviously, the filmmakers show that not sharing anything with chivalry, and for entertainment was humiliated by superimposing images Romanian gipsy beggars.
Le Monde, one of the most important publications of France, has received an educational lesson in the new species Romanian knights, horsemen of the net site, calling themselves the Romanian National Security - to the great jealousy of those of SRI, incapable of similar performance (well, that would not occur to break the FSB servers for example).
"We came as mockery. Romanian gypsies are not! Its not us writing history! When talking about our compatriots, do not use the words "Romanian Gypsies." I have met France in November, we'll meet you ROMANIA! RNS ensure that these things are accomplished, Romanian hackers have posted on the website of Le Monde.

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