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Celebrating Easter in Reggio Emilia PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 03 April 2010 13:13

Grand celebration of Christianity, Easter, begins, in terms of liturgy, Saturday, at midnight, when they say that the tomb was opened and risen Jesus' death treading pre death.

On this holy occasion of the Reggio Emilia Christians will gather in the night that the Corso Garibaldi in front of the church of St. Spyridon space miracle-worker from Reggio Emilia. The event was extensively prepared by Father Michael has even managed to obtain a permit from city hall to enable Christians to remain in the square in front of the church. Also at the event will be present and Auxiliary Bishop of Reggio Emilia and Marco Fantin assessore.

codru.org team will also present at the event for the holy bread and also to document this event for later viewing to propose to our site who may not be present. Happy Easter everyone!

Click here to see where the event will take place.

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Oltre 25 miles of Cuba trattati Chernobil di pazienti PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 03 April 2010 17:53
L'Avan, March 30 (PL) 'Oltre 25 miles affettate person dall'esplosione della NPPs Chernobil di fino ad oggi sono pure states of Cuba ha il direttore del programma medical informato corrispondente, dottore Julio Medina. "The stand maggioranza sono dei Bambini trattati pazienti dalla origin Moldova Bielorussi e dalla dall'Ucraina" ha spiegato Medina del progetto nel compiersi 20 Anni della Rivoluzione concepito Dal leader, Fidel Castro.

"Cone a umanitario carattere e gratuito, il programma è basato integrated medical sull'asistenza ed includes riabilitazione psicologica, alimentazione balanciata, Attività cultural, lo ha affermato specialist risaltato Inoltre che ha come donna in presenza della Forza Nello sviluppo di questo important programma.

Medina receive pazienti che ha ricordato accolti soffrivano per lo Più di affezioni oncoematologiche caused dalla radiazione, I sit sono anche con individual assistive various problems, thyroid come, affezioni endocrine, digestive ortopediche.

"Tutte them di malattie sono staff who soffre trattate, containing an alto livello di grande impatto Nella risoluzione ed a salute degli individual", ha indicato.

"Durante 20 Anni, persino Più difficili economiche nelle-conditioning, Cuba ha l'finanziato is mantenuto asistenza specializzata. In Quel PERIODO and eseguiti sei sono di midollo trapianti Osseo, due di rene e 14 cardiovascolari surgery, tra Rubber trattamenti Molt, ha segnalato Medina.

Nell'alba del 26 aprile 1986 un'esplosione del quarto di Chernobil reattore dell'impianto in Ukraine, about 200 hectares sparso all'atmosfera tonnellate nuclear material containing a radioattività di di di 50 million curious.

Quattro Anni Più late, I 29 marzo 1990, sono alla Nazionale Cubana arrival and receive 137 pazienti. Add a comment
Badante in Italy, in Moldavia Moglia`s madre PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 03 April 2010 17:16
42 years old, Natasha. I met at the house of an old aunt. Does the caregiver. One of 350 thousand Moldovan women who have decided to leave their family there to try a little 'luck abroad and thus make a living somehow, survive the ugly history of an empire collapsed after an unfortunate lapse. You had to be able to study the two children, beloved children, dear!
Natasha came from the countryside north of the country, not far from Chisinau, the capital: everything is close in Moldova. They grow a bit 'of beets, a bit' of grapes, a bit 'of something else. A bit 'of everything and a bit' of anything, certainly labor, hunger, or just about missing. At 17 he had married Anton, a big man, a tough, one that did not use sweet words, it was not convenient for a man. She had made her pregnant soon after the wedding, almost brutally. As brutal mother-in-law had just appeared, a witch not by nature but because beating from the weather and the storms of a life of misery "to the Soviet". Poverty of material goods but also spiritual.
Study and work, Natasha, to keep her man-nothing and the little finch that had given birth to seven months in tears after the wedding. Anton already betrayed her with other women, and especially with other bottles. Plague, pounding. The only thing that Natasha asked the mother-in-law was to look at her small: in the morning left him in the chair with three bottles of milk per day. But that evening he came home and the milk was spilled on the ground, mixed with pee and poop in the small tears dropped.
Also gave birth to a girl, then fled. Full of bruises and sores, in soul and body. He emigrated to Italy, was hunger. He went into a city center: other injuries, other marginalized other abuses. He climbed a bit 'more to the North, found refuge in a shelter of some nun who lived for love and charity received date. Well she fits into that most Christian practice. It was Orthodox, but had difficulties to say Catholic, "Jesus is the same God is the same, why split?.
He found a job, then a second, third, fourth. He found my aunt, an elderly widow, smiling and generous. A new mother. He immediately felt a new daughter. The attended the night, led to mass and do the shopping, and he advised her counsel. Studied again, she was a teacher and became a nurse. A rebirth.
Even had the strength to operate a family reunion, not only with the two older children now, but even with her husband. Power of conjugal love, he managed to snatch a devastating alcoholism and cause him to seek and find work as a mason. Just feet again, he died of a heart attack. "But I sent in clear skies clean, without blemish, as it was born."
Peter Parmense
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President should be elected directly by the people! PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 03 April 2010 12:36

 Leaders Alliance for European Integration (IEA), the ruling in Republic of Moldova, decided Friday to opt for the Parliament to amend the Constitution so that the president be directly elected by the people, Pro TV Chisinau.

Following a series of debates and disputes, the four leaders of the Alliance have decided to amend the current constitution only one item at the discretion of the President. Thus, the altered head of state would be directly elected by the people and not by Parliament.

But the Communist deputies will be elected president by Parliament within three rounds and at least two candidates entered the race. In round three, would the president be elected by simple majority, or by vote of at least 52 deputies out of 101.

Amendment of the Constitution has stirred controversy lately. It was even proposed to adopt a new constitution but the proposal was not supported either by members of the Alliance nor the Venice Commission, who suggested the amendment of Article 78 of the Constitution, dissolve Parliament after 16 June and early elections.

In Moldova, at present, Parliament is responsible for choosing the head of state, it is necessary for a majority of 61 deputies out of 101.

In 2009, Parliament was elected in April and dominated by the Communist Party could not elect a new President, the lack of a majority.

Early legislative elections followed in July, which were won by a coalition of pro-European parties, but even this alliance did not have the required majority electing the President of the country so that Moldova is the chair of a summer interim head of state, Parliament President Michael Ghimpu.


Citește articolul în română.
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Rego nuove per Vista PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 02 April 2010 11:56
On April 5 will come into force new legislation on short-term visas, which harmonises the rules and practices of the States of the Schengen area , which belong twenty-two EU member countries (all except Britain and Ireland when Bulgaria, Romania and Cyprus), plus Norway, Iceland and Switzerland.

"The conditions for issuing visas to nationals of third countries will become more clear, precise, transparent and fair," said Cecilia Malmstrom, Commissioner for Internal Affairs. The code, adopted last June by the European Council and Parliament, contains general provisions for determining the Member State responsible for examining visa applications and provides for a streamlining of procedures.

The amount of general rights is sixty euros, which are lowered to thirty-five children between six and twelve years and "citizens of third countries with which the EU has concluded agreements on the facilitation and readmission. These include Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Moldova and Russia. Shorten and become even more certain times for the issue: two weeks maximum to get a response, which in case of refusal will henceforth always be justified. Add a comment
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