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International Women`s Day in Reggio Emilia PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 07 March 2010 22:10

Today, March 7, orchestra music "from Moldova Rose" with special guest of the evening, folk singer, Nadezhda Mereuta Pascal, led a popular music concert inside the premises of the Reggio Emilia Pigalle. This event was organized by the International Women's Day and the artists have addressed the ladies in the room warm greetings and wonderful roses. Rose live music all the dancing in the audience creating an atmosphere of conviviality and good cheer. Romanians, Moldovans deaolalta the Italians were playing and making merry, forgetting the daily problems. А very impressed by the musicians during the attachment of several musical instruments and songs came out among people, dancing with them and stimulîndui the game such as "Penguin Dance" Ana Vasile învăţîndui started all those present original dance. A moment emoţionanant voice was trembling recitation by the poet Mary Gorincioi own poetry "Mama." The rich concert that lasted more than five hours to fulfill the desire of several persons, to feel like home. The joy and good will of the people attending the concert in pictures taken by the team ereflectă Woods was asked what the second consecutive year at this event. Interested to see pictures and to find among them can visit: see pictures

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[April 7, 2009] We still have a thirst for trial PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 07 March 2010 23:39

There are a few weeks before the April 7, when a year will come from that dark day for Moldova and we have not yet name the person who ordered the torture, rape and ridicule young kin. Unfortunately we are witnessing at some games of the new government, as they say in the nation: "The eyes of the world, but untried judges removed from office! A judge who violated the law to judge young people directly in prisons and police stations without those young people have lawyers. Genuine criminals are still at large and no one touches them because Moscow still leads, because everything moves in this country is in agreement with Russia. Nothing goes into the registry without knowing Russian. Are there red phone that connected directly to the Kremlin? Does were recently convicted of crimes and offenses all the thousands of Communists and former governors? Whoever will go or will come to power we will be led by the Kremlin ...


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NEA meeting with experts and SPES PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 06 March 2010 23:18
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Today, six of March, at Hotel Laguna Palace, Venice, held a meeting between the associations of Moldovans in Italy, especially the Veneto region, with experts from the National Agency for Employment (NAE) in Moldova. This meeting was requested and the Association which was represented by three members: Daria Sined Pleşcoi Natalia and Andrei Popescu. During the meeting has been called into question''Strengthening Project Duration Moldova management capacity of the labor market and the return of migrants''developed by (SPES), Swedish Agency for Employment Employment in colaborae other 12 EU countries including and Italy.

During the meeting, Ms Raisa Dogaru announced that on March 26 in Moldova will open a call center through which moldveni citizens throughout the territory of the republic can call free from any fixed number for solicitaţii work stations and the calls made outside the normal price will be no surcharge. In future, however, planning the organization of a system that will allow free and străinătate.Pe telefonarea May 8 will be held in Padua a job fair, which will discuss the proposals for post-employment and employability of Moldovan citizens Italian affiliates that are on our Republic. Thanks to investments made by EU and member countries (SPES), coordinators of Project Duration plans to decrease unemployment rate in the country, which in 2009 was about 5.7% and hopes that by supporting Moldovans emigrated will return back to country having the opportunity to receive a decent wage. Those interested in the project and seeking appropriate opportunities for work, enter the following addresses: www.anofm.md and www.jobmarket.gov.md

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Be cool Romanian acts PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 06 March 2010 22:25
Citizenship is the legal right or capacity of man to be a citizen of a state. This is a simple explanation of citizenship in the Romanian language dictionary that seems clear and understandable for everyone at first sight. Not so in the case of Romanians in Bessarabia who were zmulsi atotstiutele historical wrongs by force from the mother country Romania. A heavy penalty and neanduratoare with which to fight six decades, the denationalization active against the Soviet order not to lose memory of people, land and ancestral tongue. Today it operates a sophisticated and difficult struggle for Romanian citizenship, European citizenship newer. And if you go about fighting, it can not exist without a fight.

One of them which leads to regaining of identity is located in Craiova. Basarabia Adrian Cojocaru, Masters second year at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration''''member of the Student Association Bessarabian Craiova, is founder-cetatenie.eu www.vreau site. This publication deals with the most useful information for Romanian citizenship, displaying latest news from the field of major importance for those who decided to become Romans with acts right. The site includes a wide range of information to help you prepare documents. Also the site contains a forum with special role that different open discussions between Romanians on both sides of the Prut River, a bridge of flowers online we manage to give us each a hand.

On this occasion thank colleagues who manages the site, we also wish good luck and success for the work they submit. Only in this way we succeed, "United for a better future."

Cupcea Radu - Member ASB Craiova Add a comment
On local border traffic permits PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 03 March 2010 07:31
Q asked for fresh impressions about Moldovan
Romanian President Traian Basescu said
"These people need love."
He added: "and support".

Local border traffic AGREEMENT!

GOVERNMENT GIFT BUT is beautiful and BOC to vote Basarabia SOLID PRO BASESCU ...

TIME - Constantin Tanase: little traffic or big hoax?

The most publicized political action was the new government on local border traffic with Romania. On February 26, the Agreement entered into force and formal legal, over one million Moldovans who live within range of 50 km from the border with Romania will be able to cross the border frequently and their historical homeland to penetrate up to 50 miles border with Moldova. The initiative belongs LDPM this agreement, all this party belongs the merit of obtaining agreement. Thus, the agreement on local border traffic we have. We have but little traffic and proper?

I'm infinitely sorry, but my fear is that this small border traffic will not occur. And the blame will be the Bessarabian, as in '40, but our historical mother, Romania, our country and miss glory, but still under the occupation of politicians who do their utmost not to allow "Russians Bessarabia" pass Prut. Now these politicians have a "strong argument" - the conditions imposed by the EU! Speaking of which, a senior EU official in Chisinau told me recently that the 500 euros required to obtain a visa in Romania is an initiative of Bucharest, not ... Bucharest EU if it wants, would put 50, but 500 euros!

Burocratia mare intre Romania-Moldova

... When I saw the list of documents needed to obtain a permit traffic than the Prut, I understand that bureaucracy will bury not only Romania but also Brotherhood of Moldova! Consider just two examples.

1. Package of documents to obtain permit small traffic will be deposited at the Consular Section of the Romanian Embassy to Moldova. Thus, less allowed to get traffic, a flagship of the Old John Mieredulce Lipcani small producer Basarabia (honey) ... will have to come to Chisinau? You think will come? No, it will come.

2. List of all necessary permit is daunting! How is the condition that only "complete the form in black ink in person by the applicant before a consular employee and signed by the applicant within certain designated frame, without exceeding the outline frame. It's simply brilliant thought! A small clarification: black ink or a consulate provides each applicant must come with his ink black of course? What happens, for example, whether emblematic Old John Mieredulce sees poorly, has no glasses and, when put its signature "inside the frame that is designated" to "slightly exceed the outline frame? I will reject the application? You will need to complete another or you will be asked to come another time?

But let the joke. What makes the initiative with little traffic to be dead in the bud is the so-called "motivation" of demand. The agreement provides more reasons to get less traffic permit: the maintenance of family relationships by visiting relatives, escorting relatives to provide care, participation in economic and trade programs in the economic, scientific, cultural, health, sports, media media or in education, promotion of economic interests and economic self-support, legal problems, visiting family graves.

ru.eu/ro/component/content/article/342-despre-permisele-micului-trafic-de-frontier "target =" \_blank "> Continue reading this article.

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