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Efim Tarlapan: "The real talent does not go through metamorphosis" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Ana Cojocaru   
Monday, 21 December 2009 22:56
Efim Tarlapan Efim Tarlapan epigramist Bessarabian which is eternal exile in Cluj-Napoca more than a decade. With students today is that Bessarabia was delighted to find the Transylvanian lands.


AC: Mr Efim Tarlapan, you Bessarabian writer who had the courage to write more than others, satire and humor. Where this courage?

TE: As a child, I was "Baciul" family, a dry summer day, I went with the sheep and cow grass scythe of kolkhoz. As underground household president appeared, riding on a huge stallion suddenly propped behind the hoofs of grass, made Tarn, and those before, the greatest height in front of me. "Why did you get, lad, with dibitoacele on our land?" Shouted angry boss, turning stormy whip to hit me. "Not yours! It is mankind's earth! "I've cried so much that şfichiul to whip off the air, and horse, with all the rider, flash went past me, that only a few moments to recover and to be asked, slow this time: "And your name, lad, Brave?"

I said. My name as my name and today, more than half a century after that event: Efim Tarlapan. And then, even then, I have encouraged and emboldened me dangers to which I gave my face to face ...

AC: Why do not you continued career started in college, the journalist?

TE: Writing custom, neuritis more than wanted, I felt as time passes and aimless life.

AC: How hard is it for a satirical daring work to promote a communist space?

ET: By 1989, the year weakening of communist power between the Prut and Dniester, I managed to edit my original ten books and anthologies of satire and humor, in print from 5 thousand to thirty-five thousand copies. The distribution does not worry me. State Committee for deals and trade book publishers. More difficult was the editing. I watched, weighed every word, every phrase more ... Some openly, others on the back. Clung not only political and ideological significance of writing. Any able to serve as a reason to tear your text.

In my first book, Sorry to bother you ... (1974) -   inclue in groups of parody humorous imitation as a boy lyrics   Bard, who had passion and drinking ... Here's version of that book: "From a coffee shop went out last night / I fell on a ciotcă hazel / And I figured out it out of the Globe, / I never drew it, but ... What good !(...). Parody, one of my first book (highlight!), Ends with a row of points, points, evidence that was true as a kind of tail, which the censor has cut it. Why? Because, in a verse, the word navel ,..." obscene "and called vigilant censor. Here amputated verse, which I managed to "claim" later in another book: "The fall-sheep, as tomorrow, in another pit / And be other holes or the road / Let to be up Navel-in   in water, I do not get one ... What good! "E-eh! How lucky was that censor, which he called "belly" dirty word! He died recently and on time ... That if still alive today, when many female navel, large or small, is naked in the sight of all, more dying once ...

AC: Describe us an immediate reaction (if it was a) opposite your writing satirico-humorous.

TE: There were more and different forms: chronic positive, negative reviews, swearing oral and written attacks epigrammatic. I have some quiet, others have responded. In 1991, Chisinau Periodical Publishing my book published satires, fables, epigrams, aphorisms, titled pouch. Of the 15 thousand copies, one master Alexander arrived at Bucharest Clenciu considered "living classic" of caricature and Romanian epigrams. Lecturând volume, master immediately launched an arrow poison to me: "Dear brother, forgive me, / But in your book that sips, / Have you included between the covers / And some book ... blind! "I replied promptly:" Why were blind? I knew / Co. have come across the Prut, / How could pull the brother / cartridge-true? ".

AC: Bessarabians to "jump" Prut often change their views and reinforce their values. Why do you think this happens?

ET also true talent does not go through metamorphosis. Changed their views of Doina and Ion Aldea Teodorovici, Gregory Neurotic Leonida Lari, Nicholas Matcaş Mircea Druc, llie Ilascu, Anastasia Lazariuc? Not to mention the classics: Russo Donici, Hasdeu ...

Change their views and their "reinforce values (because they are poor!) Mediocrity, conformists, etc. parveniţii.

AC: Why do you exile in Romania? Why in Cluj?

ET is trapping us in a most hostile state publishing doors (me and my wife, Zia prozatoarea ash) is barring us access to   Republican radio and television, we had to retreat ... I actually had the new destination of nearly one million fellow citizens of ours, went to the four corners of the world because antinaţionalului, rapacitului agrariano-communist regime. Why Romania? For a country that is our ancestors and grandparents unionists;   because this country is the eternal city, the Romanian language. Why in Cluj? We had great student and we Transylvanian town. After graduation, her destiny, in some cases, subjective and objective, began to be threatened by a great and continuing danger. I was forced to be near her! Now, thank Him from above, the danger has passed ... We think more and more to get closer to the Prut.

AC: What does Chisinau Cluj and can not?

TE: A Romanian literary press to date, a beer and a vodka Ursus Cluj ... So much!

AC: What do you miss most from Bessarabia?


AC: Do you think the obstacles, they've encountered before 1989 are still valid today?

TE: I! More evident in Moldova, more veiled in Romania. In October, the Chisinau National Festival was held Romanian epigram. On this occasion, I called television a short recital of original quip. I started with this joke: "I know a lightning! Here it is: / China wants to enter, in NATO / receive in the first wave, / If you enter through ... Ural! "Editor stopped filming, asking me to recite a" likely to pass ... "I've made. I recited Puppy with curly hair ... Last year I was invited to a school in Romania, on the occasion of December 1. Before I give the word, the director warned me: "No kind of politics! Put more emphasis on history! "

AC: Go home often?

TE: To reconcile both sides of the Prut river, half a year live in Moldova, another half a year in Romania ...

AC: What do you think you'd definitely go back in the Moldavian republic?

TE: Immediately after the events of "bloody" in early April, I returned to the Republic, placing us in an intense agitation prodemocratică. By speaking radio station Voice of Bessarabia, satirico-humorous writings published in Literature and Art, the newspaper time, the meetings they've had with readers, I contributed, I am sure, the results as positive as elections of July 29!

AC: How many chances is a young Romanian journalist to be done?

TE: And in literature and journalism in Romanian, is a cult unfounded old, invented and sustained by the elderly themselves. These homes, with titles and awards rusty form a concrete way by which fragedele wires "growing" literaryor gazetărească, do not have how to thrive. Like a hole that tough obstacle, the younger generation of designers to add the talent and work and work, tenacity and courage!

AC: Thank you.


Ana Cojocaru, student,

Secretary General of the Initiative Group Bessarabian



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Last Updated on Monday, 21 December 2009 23:57

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