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Home News Latest Working in the office we can shorten the life
Working in the office we can shorten the life PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Friday, 15 April 2011 14:21

A study by American researchers from Louisiana, who analyzed 13 years of life style for 17,000 subjects of both sexes, have found that people who spend most of the day at the office, sitting on a chair, has one one 54% higher risk of dying from a heart attack compared to people with active life. Study of Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Louisiana, published in the specialist journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise warned those interested in healthy living.

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When the lead researcher Peter Katzmarzyk, was asked by journalists to give details, he said, first of all that research conducted by his team is nothing new under the sun. Interest in them was sparked threats sedentary life before British researchers. They were made in 1953, a similar study on the subject of bus drivers. In that study showed that bus drivers two times more likely to die of heart attack than carts to carry baggage handlers.
Regarding the study by his team, Katzmarzyk revealed the surprising finding given the research, work that spending the day sitting on a chair, is an "independent risk factor for stroke, other factors unrelated it can cause. Thus, this risk factor also affects smokers and smoking or those who exercise daily practice and those who do not practice. In short, no matter how much physical movement daily or how healthy you eat, because most of the day sitting on your office chair, the risk of dying early because of a heart attack is doubled.
Why is that? Neither the experts do not know for sure yet. Katzmarzyk's colleague, Professor Marc Hamilton, believes that the secret would be in an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase - LPL - synthesized in adipose and muscle tissue, which converts blood fats into energy. Doing studies on laboratory mice, Hamilton found that those who were standing, their body substances were transported to ten times faster than those who do not move and was lying down. In this position, the level of LPL in the body drop drastically rodents. The researcher says that this mechanism operates in humans as well. State-hour series on the seat in the metabolism of substances in the body slows down and thus slow burning, fat is deposited in tissues and blood vessels, which increases the risk of an attack. But not only the heart has suffered from sitting. Suffering and the spine, from first to last vertebra, especially if the position is incorrect, his back bent and head bowed to the screen or keypad, a position most frequently encountered suffering and basin, which tends to go "forward" and shoulders, which "leans" and eventually the whole body.
On the other hand, today, unlike 20-30 years ago, spend, according to statistics, 8% more time on office chair, and our lifestyle is also more static, even if can devote longer organized physical movement, such as certain sports and gymnastics, which should not be confused with having an active life. This latter exercise is unconventional, like walking, household work and the like, much better than the first. For example, it was found that a person working 6-8 hours standing up to 1,500 calories burned while sitting at a desk working on a chair, barely burns 900.
Fortunately, all is not lost. There are some very effective tricks in the fight against dangerous effects of sedentary office. For example, Hamilton recommends small and frequent breaks. Could be two per hour, when it's good to get up from his chair, drink a glass of water or juice to make a visit to office colleagues or neighbors look out the window. Discourages small trick breaks excessive fat deposits. Efficiency is standing while talking on the phone. Calories go faster, and the conversation is more focused on the subject, than from sitting position. Another trick is not to write e-mails "km". If writing an e-mail would take more than a quarter of an hour, better grab a telephone and chat with that person, preferably standing. Finally, do not stay more than six hours on the seat and make sure the office, chair, keyboard and screen are placed in positions ergonotures best suited to your stature.


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Last Updated on Friday, 15 April 2011 22:55

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